Loving Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader *Edited*

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A/N: Thank you so much for 3k+ reads!!!


You were practically buzzing with excitement in your seat. It was the last class of the day and you kept glancing at the clock willing the time to go by faster than it was. You wish you had a time-lapse quirk that you can force time to speed by and you can finally leave to go see your 'toshi-kun! Your buzzing and happiness were flowing off of you and it didn't go unnoticed by your classmates around you.

"What's got you so excited huh L/N-Chan?" You turned around to look at Jirou who was smirking at you while twirling one of her ear-lobes. She knew exactly why you were excited and wanted to leave but, you might as well indulge in her curiosity.

"We are going on spring break! That means I can catch up with 'Toshi. We haven't had time to really be together due to villain attacks, the sports festival, internships the whole nine yards! How about you? What do you plan on doing during the break?" She blushed and looked off to the side. Uh-huh. She thought you didn't know about her and our local dunce face.

"Just stay home probably and-" You cut her off wanting to see her blush again.

"Spend time with your precious Denki-Kun right?" It was more a statement but you tried to phrase it like a question for her sake. When she started poking you with her earlobe you giggled and decided to pay attention to the last 15 minutes of the lesson and class. It was a blessing to see her smiling and actually go through normal teenage emotions. It was good just to be a regular sixteen year old's. Before you knew it, the class was over and you were making a beeline for the exit, haphazardly throwing your stuff into your bookbag. You were so excited! You were going to be with your Toshi-kun for a whole week! You loved your friends in your class, you truly do but you never got to actually hang out with Hitoshi in a long time! This week was going to be for the two of you and the two of you only. You ran up the stairs to your dorm packing up all your clothes, and personal belongings into your two suitcases and bookbag. You set your bags outside the dorm making sure to look around and that you didn't forget anything before closing the door and making a bee-line for the elevator. You weren't the only one in there, Uraraka, Asui, and Momo were in there as well.

"I see you're ready to go, ribbit." You smile happily at the frog-girl bouncing a bit in place. All of you were excited to go home! Yes, hero work was amazing, being with friends was amazing, but family? Even Bakugou was in a hurry to go home even though the ticking time bomb would never admit it. He knows in his heart he misses his mama and dad.

"Yeah, Tsu-Chan. Are your parents going to be home this time?" That got Tsu-chan to talk animatedly about her parents. They both worked a lot and hardly got to see their children, but when she found out they both took a week off just so they can all be together? It was too much for her and she was feening to get home.

"My mom and dad got a limo to come to pick me up, if you guys want I can drop you off at the train station?" You all looked at each other and nodded yes to Momo. You told Toshi you were going to meet him at the train station anyway so why waste a fare by taking a bus to the station? Once outside all of you packed your stuff into the limo even though you had to hold onto Ochako before she floated away. She was always overwhelmed easily by the sheer amount of money that Momo always accidentally flaunted without being a snob though. Once she calmed down all of you climbed in and talked amongst one another about your plans. The trip was too short and with a see you later and thank you to Momo you guys went to the train station. From there all three of you lived in different directions and bid each other farewell. You were by yourself now and looking for wild purple hair and tired eyes. Your eyes met your target and you made a bee-line for him. He noticed you midway and with a grin he strode up to you in no time for a hug. Your face was buried in his chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist. Daringly he picked you up and swung you around causing you to laugh audibly.

"I missed you so much!" You were giggling as he peppered your face with kisses.

"I missed you too my love." He planted a soft kiss on your lips humming in delight before pulling away and smoothing your hair back. He glanced up at the time and saw you guys had a few minutes to board the train. "We should get going our 2-hour ride leaves in 5 minutes." You nodded an affirmative picking up your stuff as he did the same and walked to the specific stairs and terminal. You both boarded the train heading for the back double seats. You both put your luggage in front of each other and he lets you sit by the window seat

"How come I always sit by the window?" He smiled at you placing a hand on your cheek smoothing his thumb over your soft skin

"You need to be on the inside at all times. If someone wants to do something they have to go through me first." You blinked before hiding your face in his chest to hide your blush. His chest reverberated with his chuckle and you decided right then and there that his chest was the perfect pillow and you're not going to move for the next two hours.

"I'm keeping my face right here. It's too comfy." He hummed his approval wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you in closer. You took a deep whiff of his cologne mixed with his natural scent and it just screamed home.

"I have plans for us this week." You perked your head up to look at him tilting your head. What did he have in store for the two of you?

"We have 10 days, what are the plans for that?" He smirked and with his free hand, he rummaged in his book bag pulling out a planner. He opened up the section that said 'Spring break' and pointed out various activities.

"Both of our parents are okay with us hanging out most of the break since they're aware of the lack of contact we have during the school year. So look at this." You read the plans along with him and you were pleasantly surprised. Today was Tuesday so he planned nothing for tomorrow opting for the both of us to catch up with family. Then the rest of the days he has a spa, movies, a picnic date, the arcade, go see the skyline, a museum, and a couple of days that we do nothing but relax at either his home or your own home. It warmed your heart knowing that he really went through all of this to ensure you both had things to do and nothing boring.

"I can pay you back half of this." He waved his hand at you but you pouted at him. You wanted to pay half!

"Don't pout at me like that. The only one I'll let you pay me halfback is the movies and arcade. The spa is my treat to you and everything else is basically free so there's really nothing for you to worry about. Besides the movies and arcade isn't expensive, I got deals on both of them." He nuzzled your cheek trailing kisses from your neck up to your ear before traveling to your lips again.

"You're so stubborn. Fine! I'm letting the spa go, but let me make it up to you for the summer!" You stared at him daring him to protest but, was satisfied when all he did was hold up his hands in mock surrender.

"You win babe." He grinned at you again pulling you a bit more forcefully so you were practically laying on him. "We have the whole week to catch up honey. Take a nap for now." You squinted your eyes up at him. He quirked an eyebrow before playfully rolling his eyes "Yes I promise to sleep with you." You pouted at him taking his word even though deep down you both knew he wasn't going to sleep. You snuggled into his chest some more closing your eyes and letting his heartbeat and the sway of the train lull you to sleep. He was just going to watch you like the weirdo you knew he was...Not that you minded.


This book needed some sweetness

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