Neito Monoma X Tsundere Female Reader *Edited*

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A/N: You love Monoma, you truly do but a lot of people think you don't.


"Monoma I have a genuine question to ask you." Monoma looked over at Kendou sweat-dropping but kept his manic grin on his face during the exchange.

"What is it Kendou-Chan?" He watched as her eyes flickered between him and L/N Chan which urged him to look over at L/N Chan to see what she was doing. She was reading a book with the usual scowl on her face. She always had a scowl on her face and to Monoma's chagrin somehow in some weird way got along with Class 1-A exploding boy and Endeavor prodigy. Everyone tended to avoid those two but with her aloof nature and uncaring attitude and sarcasm, she managed to become acquainted with them.

"Does L/N-Chan...actually care about you?" Monoma quickly swerved his attention away from his girlfriend to give Kendou an uncharacteristic stank eye.

"Of course, she cares for me! She wouldn't be with me all this time if she truly didn't" To prove his point he left the table he was sharing with her and went to Y/N who was currently trying to figure out if the main character of her book was going to finally grow a pair of balls and ask the prince out or he was going to watch him get swept away from some wanna-be flake who just wanted his money and title. "Y/N-Chan!" You cringed at the obnoxiously sweet voice that invaded your concentration. You glared at Monoma even though you truly weren't angry but, you were emotionally constipated. It was hard for you to show emotions that weren't typically aloof or uncaring since everything else was too complicated.

"What do you want you heathen" You felt your eye twitch when he invaded your personal space and you chose to ignore the butterflies in your stomach and you fought vehemently to keep the blush from crossing over your face.

"Kendou thinks that you don't care for me and I came here to prove her wrong." Ah, so he got roped into one of those stupid ass conversations again with the other shitty extras in this class. How unfortunate.

"How the hell you're going to do that?" You're ignoring the fact that you didn't deny that you cared for him but you weren't going to say it either. You had a reputation to hold up anyway.

"Well I'm sitting here, aren't I? If you truly didn't want me here you would have gotten up and left me- Hey!" The moment he said gotten up you did exactly that not in the mood to give the whole cafeteria a show. If the dumbasses wanted to believe you didn't give a shit about Neito then so be it. You had nothing to prove and nothing to hide so if they wanted to be extra and make a scene then so be it. You heard Neito wailing before he grew oddly quiet prompting you to turn around. The idiot was sulking. Full-on sulking as he glared and pouted angrily at the table and you didn't like the way it was tugging on your heartstrings. It made you feel guilty in a weird way and dammit you're Y/N L/N nothing gets to you and if it does you nip that shit in the ass.

"Oui, What the hell you're sulking for?" He perked up to look at you but his eyes were still sad and not the manic happiness that normally took over his face when he was with you. "Are you coming or what? I don't have all day and bring your damn food with you." You waited impatiently for him to get his stuff and run to you radiating glee which had you internally jumping for joy but externally huffing while tugging him away from the prying eyes of your own class and the rest of the cafeteria. You glanced over to see Bakugo already looking at you and you spares him a snarky grin which was returned full throttle. You had a weird-ass friendship shit thing going on with him and you weren't going to ruin it with complicated ass emotions and reasonings. Neito did that enough for you as it is. You allowed him to babble to you giving nods and one-word answers to let him know you were listening. In reality, you were soaking up everything he was saying but you didn't want him to know that. He will never let you live it down and it will get to his head. Before you knew it the both of you were sitting on top of UA's roof eating the rest of your bentos in silence.

"You don't really hate me do you?" You turned to look at him to see if he was joking but he wasn't looking at you and his usual manic grin wasn't on his face. He wasn't smiling at all and when he finally did look up to meet your eyes he had an unreadable expression. You didn't like that look. It did weird things to you. He didn't need to have that look on his face and you felt yourself rubbing his face wanting and needing to physically rub that look off of him.

"I don't like that look, fix your face. I like it better when you're babbling and smiling. This dead aura is my aesthetic, not yours." You smirked a little bit to let him know you were joking and were more than pleased when it earned you a little chuckle in return. You allowed your hand to rest on his face before sliding it down and grabbing him by his shoulder and pulling him into you. "You're too far, relax and eat your food idiot." For the added measure, you kissed his cheeks and forehead and forced him to lean into you. Normally you'll lean into him but this time you'll make an exception and besides he needs the reassurance and comfort. At the end of the day, you didn't care what people thought because you knew how you feel about him. He's your heart even though you'll never admit it.


This was a cute little drabble I enjoyed writing.

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