Fumikage Tokoyami X Female Reader *Edited*

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A/N: This is Dark Shadow talking


"Come on Y/N, come on Y/N." You were trying to hype yourself up to ask out Tokoyami. Today was Thursday and Friday was Valentine's day a.k.a THE NEXT DAY. You really wanted him to be your valentine considering you had a crush on him since you were a first-year and it seemed like everyone in the class knew about your feelings except for said person himself. It pissed you off.

"Talking to yourself again?" You whirled around to glare at Toru who always sneaked up on you somehow. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she's invisible so she's very easy to miss. You won't ever tell her that though you're not trying to hurt the girl's feelings now.

"I'm trying to figure out a way to confess to Tokoyami while at the same time ask him to be my valentine." You glared at your reflection determined to get this down pack.

"Maybe you shouldn't plan so much and just let it come out naturally." You whirled on Toru pouting angrily at her.

"I need to practice! It needs to be perfect because he is perfect and deserves the best! I want to be the one to give him the best." You turned back to the mirror ready to say your lines again when you saw flailing arm sleeves from the corner of your eyes. "Yes, Toru?"

"You should already know Tokoyami by now! He doesn't mind it not being 'perfect'. He's going to love it either way cause it's coming from you! You have nothing to worry about. No matter how you say it or how it's going to come out he's going to be happy!" You stared at Toru for a minute before taking a breath and deciding to take her words into consideration.

"Maybe you're right. I shouldn't think too hard on this. I need to just let it come out natural cause that's how feelings and confessions should be. Natural and unplanned." You shook yourself out a bit and took a deep breath. That's right it's going to be okay and it's going to be natural and he's going to say yes.

"Of course I'm right! That's if he says yes, if he doesn't then my bad." You hissed at her and she ran out the room screaming with you right behind her. "I was joking Y/N! I was joking!" You still felt like chasing her for giving you anxiety. You weren't looking at your surroundings or else you would have seen that you ran right past Tokoyami and Shoji.

"Why are they running?" Tokoyami hummed about to answer but Dark Shadow beat him to it.

"Looks like Toru said something she wasn't supposed to so now Y/N is chasing her. Now that that's established time to figure out how you are going to confess to Y/N tomorrow." Dark Shadow ignored the sputtering of his carrier waiting patiently for him to get it together and say something.

"Stop your tomfoolery! I cannot just go up to her and confess!" He turned to glare at Shoji when he hummed.

"It's the best thing for you to do." Tokoyami looked at both his quirk and best friend incredulously while trying to figure out if they were serious "Don't give me that look I'm serious. All you have to do is ask her out on a cute little date and give her a balloon or teddy bear."

"TEDDY BEAR DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE!" Tokoyami's feathers were very ruffled and were going into a slight panic of confessing to his crush. What if you said no? What if you liked someone else? Now he would look like a fool with a gift that he would have to donate or give to Midnight Sensei.

"You're overreacting Fumi-Kun." Tokoyami bristled but quickly deflated at the sound of his nickname. What was the worst that could happen? Besides losing his dignity but that can be salvaged

"I could lose my dignity." That's when his quirk came and head-butted him.

"You have nothing to worry about! Everything is going to be just fine you watch!" Tokoyami took a deep breath and nodded his head. Those two idiots better be right.


It was finally valentine's day and you were a nervous wreck. For some reason principal Nedzu allowed students to wear shades of pink and red and the hallways were decked out in valentine's stuff. It was all so sickly sweet and a kick in the face to everyone who wanted a relationship and doesn't have one. Hopefully sometime during the day you were going to have Tokoyami as your boyfriend but if Kami wasn't that good then you will go to your room for the whole weekend and binge romance movies and cry cause your basic. Hopefully, that doesn't happen though.

"Are you ready Y/N?" You turned to Toru and she was decked out in a pink dress. You looked back at yourself in your hot pink shirt with your ripped denim Bermuda shorts. You felt nice so you grabbed your school bag along with the little gift you got Toko stuffing it in your bag last minute before running to class. You got there when the bell rang so you had no time to say hi to anyone. The day went by in a flash and before you knew it, it was lunch time which means this was your cue. You glanced over at the lunch table Toko sat at and for once saw Toko was sitting by himself. You guessed Shoji was with Asui and Toru with Ojiro. This was your time to shine or dull temporarily depending on the outcome. You took a deep breath and marched your way over to Tokoyami.

"Hey Y/N-Chan, how are you?" You engaged in idle chitchat with him opting to sit next to him instead of across. If you were going to be rejected it wasn't going to be across a table with an off chance of someone hearing.

"I got you a gift." You pulled out the candy apples carved into flowers with a card and handed them to him. He was momentarily stunned taking it gently from your hands and placing it on the table. He opened the card reading it swiftly before looking at you with widened eyes, his feathers ruffled a bit.

"I-i got you something t-too." Curious as to what he got you he pulled out a German Shepard stuffy along with your favorite candies and a card. "Happy Valentine's day Y/N." You looked at him in awe and before you can read the card you grabbed him in a hug pecking him on the side of his beak. He gave a startled noise but didn't pull away from it.

"Happy Valentine's day to you too Fumi-kun." You gave him a bashful smile and all he did was rub the back of his neck and grin lightly at you.



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