Shoto X Female Reader *Edited*

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How were you supposed to talk to an emotionally constipated boy? Honestly, he was one of the smartest boys in the class getting into UA through recommendations and being the #2 Hero son but, he lacked common sense in an annoyingly cute innocent way. One time Denki was telling him a pickup line jokingly


"Hey Shoto, you must be Jamaican, cause you Jamaican me crazy!" Shoto just gave him a blank look with a head tilt

"You do realize that we are in Japan and Jamaica is on the other side of the world." The unbelievable look that Denki gave him along with the giggles left him confused "What?" He didn't answer him simply just shook his head.

"And here I thought I was the slowest one." Bakugou was quick to add to that

"You still are dunce face."

End Flashback

That's Shoto, in a nutshell, he's very endearing in his own way and very protective. You would even go as far as to say that he was very expressive, well as much as a brick but still! It took a few months but you finally were able to read him and detect his moods similar to how Deku can read him. You'll admit that you were jealous of how much Shoto would adamantly talk to Deku that was until he opened up to everyone else in the dekusquad which made you feel better knowing he wasn't singly seeking out Deku's support and friendship only. Now your next goal was to find out a way to be a part of the 'squad' which was relatively easy since you got along with everyone except Shoto. Maybe you did but you felt you didn't because you had a secret crush on him that you'll be damned to tell him to or anyone to find out. Especially the bakusquad. That would be the biggest clusterfuck that you have no interest in partaking in.

"L/N-Chan?" You looked up from your cold soba looking over at Ochako who sat across from you with a grin on her face. She was sitting in between Deku and Todoroki while you were in between Iida and Asui. It was comfortable and the seating arrangement you got used to even though deep inside you wanted to be next to Todoroki so you can snuggle into his hot side when it was cold or into his cold side when it was hot.

"Yes, Uraraka?" She gave a devious smile as she leaned more into Deku and he wasn't a blushing mess just a pink hue as he accepted her affection. That's right they both finally stopped flirting and got together even though everyone was convinced they'd been together since they started UA. You glanced at Asui quickly wondering if she had any luck with the crush she had on Tokoyami. You're 100 percent sure that he likes her back if the ruffled feathers on his head and the instigation and teasing from Dark Shadow were any indications of his infatuation.

"Who's the guy you have a crush on?" If your quickness allowed you to take someone's voice away and then give it back that's exactly what you would have done to her. However, your quirk wasn't that it was simply cat which meant you had the abilities of a cat which explains the cat naps you loved to take. You had a sneaking suspicion that Aizawa adored the cat ears as he would always pet your head slightly rubbing your ears which elicited a purr out of you every time to your embarrassment but you couldn't bring yourself to stop his ministrations.

"Are you going to answer her L/N-chan?" You narrowed your eyes accusingly at Deku as he expertly avoided your gaze by looking back down to his pork bowl. Seriously how much of that can he eat?

"Yes, I do." You stared at both of them daring them to say something else or ask you who else but to your utter relief they didn't pursue it but instead did something unexpected

"Ah, Todoroki Kun, do you like anyone?" You felt your heart palpitate a bit. Why did she have to go and ask him?

"I like a lot of people." You blinked and saw a vein appear on her forehead as her eye twitched. She took a breath as she elaborated to him what she meant

BNHA X Reader One-shots *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now