Minoru Mineta X Female Reader *Edited*

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A/N: It was a request don't come for me


The veins in your neck and temple bulged with barely suppressed rage. You were staring at Mineta again as the little perverted purple balled fuck was ogling Momo's chest again and honestly doesn't he learn a thing? Why was he even allowed to be in the hero's class, to begin with when Shinsou was a much better candidate for it. You allowed your shadow to go over to him and wrap tightly around him picking him up off the ground. You brought him towards you to be eye level.

"L-L-L/N-CHAN!" He squeaked as you squeezed him tighter eyes glowing red, hissing at him

"You know EXACTLY what you did. Don't you learn? How the hell do you ever expect to be a hero when you can't respect a girl's wishes? You claim you want to be popular among the women in the hero industry but how? When all you want is to look at tits and ass all day? Huh? You can't fucking speak? SPEAK!" You snarled at him dropping him to the floor to allow him to scurry along to wherever he was going.

"You're scary." You turned around to stare at Kaminari who flinched backing up from you. You simply grinned at him with more teeth than an actual smile.

"Maybe if you and he learned some manners I wouldn't be so scary. Until you two show some improvement I will be on both of your asses. UNDERSTAND!" He let out a yelp running away going to the Baku-squad complaining loudly about how unfair you were being but you could give two shits. Serves them right.

"L/N-Chan?" You reined in your anger and shadows before turning to Uraraka and Asui. Honestly out of everyone they were the cutest and you would protect them from Mineta more than anyone honestly. Jirou tended to keep Kaminari in line along with Mineta whenever she gets the chance to.

"Yes Uraraka and Tsu-chan?" Tsu placed her finger on her chin as she hummed to herself

"We just wanted to thank you for always standing up for us." You smiled sincerely at them but turned to Tsu when she added on to what Uraraka-chan said.

"I will admit though that he's still bad, but he's gotten better since the beginning of the year." You took a minute to think about that and he did show a little improvement but that wasn't nearly enough. You thought some more before a sickening grin overtook your face disturbing the two in front of you a bit.

"I have a plan that I'm going to make sure works." With that said you got up bidding them goodbye and making your way to the boy's dorm floor. You climbed the stairs heading to the last door on your left before knocking with a ferocity of an angry lion. No way in hell he didn't hear that. A few seconds later he whipped the door open.

"WHAT IS YOUR-" He stopped short shrinking into himself when he saw you standing there, manic grin shadows leaking out everywhere.

"Hi, Mineta. How badly do you want to be a hero?" He started stuttering pissing you off. You wrapped your shadows around him again bringing him face to face. "Why. Do.You.Want.To.Be.A.Hero." You enunciated every word shaking him a bit.

"TO BE P-P-POPULAR!" You frowned looking at him from all angles.

"How are you going to achieve that? You're a 3-foot 5-year old looking head-ass with the perverseness of a 60-year-old who hasn't gotten any in decades. Plus your quirk is only to toss a bunch of sticky balls at people. How the hell can you make that useful?"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" Awww isn't that cute? He wants you to give him all the answers.

"Use your fucking head, not the one in your fucking pants. You passed the entrance exam somehow so use your brain again if it's not too much for you to handle to change that disgusting personality of yours." You tossed him onto the floor walking back but turned to look back at him over your shoulders. "I will haunt your fucking dreams for the next 2 and a half years if you don't get your shit together Minoru." You used his first name so this whole situation can actually sit in. You walked to the end of the hallway bumping into the Baku squad who must have heard you. You looked Denki up and down before smirking again "Don't make me come for you either Dunce face." You flipped your hair, fist-bumping the others on your way back to your room. Let's see how this all plays out.

BNHA X Reader One-shots *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now