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Mystery Person POV (male)

I was walking through the forest, stalking a hunter, when he stopped next to a lake. A smell hits me, 'That smells like me, but why?' I also smell a sweet honey sent. I hear a gun being cocked, I instantly turn my head towards the hunter, my eyes widen.


As soon as the gun was shot I lunged towards the hunter, turning in to my wolf as I do so, not paying attention to the water. I rip this guy to shreds, having no control over myself. After I gained control I turned around seeing blood in the water. Then I see a wolf and a fox, but the wolf isn't moving. 'Geez what happened now.'



As soon as the gun was fired I felt what I thought was a sting through my stomach. I hear what sounds like something being torn apart, then it goes black. A second later, or what feels like, I feel like I'm in water, surrounded by darkness, 'I feel like I'm drifting away but why?' I hear muffled sounds of someone trying to talk to me, but what are they saying?

MINJUN POV ( his name is pronouced as Minjoon but that's how it's spelt)

I see the wolf that was trying to get us out of here, but she isn't moving! 'What do I do?!' I then smell blood coming from the water, also two sweet scents one of vanilla and one of honey. "Hey wolfy wake up are you okay?!" I say in a concerned voice.

"Hey," I heard someone behind me in a cold tone, "what happened *sniffs* she's bleeding you know." He said that in the coldest way possible 'Why does he smell like honey?'

I speak back to him, "Well, as you can see I have no clue what to do!"

*Growls* "Don't yell at me, I will take her then. Move out of the way, pretty boy."

'Heh rude much he could've asked nicely'

"What's the point in that?" What the hell! He just read my mind

Mystery person

Heh so this is my mate, a fox, but something's telling me that he is set up for another. As I pick up the black wolf I thought to myself, 'She seems familiar but don't know where? Hm I'll just find out later.' I looked over to the fox and he had a worried expression on his face.

"Please be careful with her, I don't think the bullet made it all the way through," he spoke with a whisper.

I carry her onto the sand with the fox trailing behind. I put my head up against the wolf's chest, "She still has a pulse, but faint."


I look around this dark ocean and only see light from above. I feel that my body is being moved but I can't tell where. Then a blinding light shined, I flinched and closed my eyes. I open my eyes and see I'm in a child's room, 'Looks like a nursery.' I hear screaming of people, it sounds like they are being hurt. Walking around the room I see a calendar that is showing the, "The time that I was born!?" I look out the window and see fighting happening. There is screaming the place I'm in. A second later I hear a cry, a baby's cry, I went to the door and cracked it open a sliver, just enough to see. I see a woman with fox tails pick up a child from it's fallen mother.

A few minutes later I hear a fainter cry, I see a wolf lady reach under a bed and grab a box. She pulled out a--

(Still in wolf form)
*Cough Cough* *Gasping for air* I wake up out of the water coughing up water a blood. The pain still there but the wound had healed. My vision clears and I see a wolf and a fox looking at me worried, the fox is showing more worry that the wolf, 'The wolf seems familiar.' I see it's almost dawn, I panick because I don't want anyone to see me. I say in a horsed voice, "Hey, it's almost dawn I gotta go... Mmm bye!" I rush off toward my home. Seeing mom's car there tells me she's home but I'm not going home... After all I was kicked out... Well good thing is I have a treehou-- ' Ah fluff the pain! My stomach still hurts!' I quickly run to my window from outside, and jump in, since I didn't close it last night. I mumble to myself, "Okay I already had my bags packed for over a week, since I knew I would be kicked out one of these days."

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