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( not apart of the story just a birthday for Jaden, read if you want, btw I wrote over 1k words here )

My POV *day before the 24th*

Today... Is just a regular day, oh and a day before I turn 14. I wake up the next day. "Wow I slepted a whole day, heh, new record." I get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom. Yawning I look in the mirr- "WHO THE HELL IS THAT! *Leans closer to the mirror* Euh, what did I get into last night? I look like me- oh now I remember. The thing that went on in the forest. Well better wash this dirt and crap off.

The rest of the day went by usual, lounging around on the couch, eating junk food, and passing out while either watching anime or some k-drama. I looked at my phone it said, "WHAT ALREADY 4 IN THE MORNING, I need to lay off the couch and get out. I'll take a walk to get some exercise. I sleep until 8am, I get dressed, eat, use the bathroom, and get my jacket and boots. I walk out and see that it's, raining, "Great, just what I needed. But hey I love the rain."

For the rest of the day I just played in the rain. Night fell, I went back inside and took a nice warm relaxing bath. Then went to bed in a onzie.

Next day Christmas Eve
Also 14th birthday

I wake up to my phone singing that annoying birthday song. Then it clicked, "It's my birthday! I am now 14! But that also means I- I just remembered I don't live with Mom anymore. I won't get to have my birthday breakfast." I get out of bed and head to the kitchen and make myself a PBJ.

After eating I left to the park I'm glad it's not raining today it feels nice, the sun's out, so why not take a walk?

I played in the park as my wolf, it was fun, a few kids came by, a couple other dogs, after a whole morning and afternoon, I walk to a nearby café.

I played in the park as my wolf, it was fun, a few kids came by, a couple other dogs, after a whole morning and afternoon, I walk to a nearby café

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When I opened the door I was hit with the warm smell of hazelnut and vanilla coffee. Walking to the cashier I see someone, more like a wild Minjun, in the café. I order a hazelnut coffee and some vanilla cake, while waiting I walk to his table, "Yo, Min, how's it goin'?"

"Ah, hey Jaden, what brings you here?"

"I just wanted to, oh and today I turned 14!" Why am I showing so much emoting around him? I'm supposed to be all emotionless.

"Really? Well, happy birthday! I would have gotten something but I didn't know it was," he was smiling then looked away blushing. 'he's too cute, wait what nevermind I'm going crazy I never think people are cute'

"Hey, Min don't worry I never get anything for my birthday from other people except my mom."

"Order for Jaydn"

"I really hope they didn't put a y in my name." I said mostly to myself but also to Min, I get up and grab my coffee and cake. Taking a look at the name tag on the cup and I see *sigh* Jaydn, I mumble, "I even said how to spell it."

"Jaden, so I know I didn't get you a birthday present but I did get you a Christmas present."

"Really, you didn't have to," I wonder what it is gimme gimme.

"Here I didn't know what color so I just chose a white one." 'I hope she likes it, it's like my fox form, I want to show her him sometime. I hope she isn't afraid when I turn to him.'

"It's beautiful, I love it thanks," it does look like his fox form, I also can read minds so I could tell what he was thinking

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"It's beautiful, I love it thanks," it does look like his fox form, I also can read minds so I could tell what he was thinking. I finish my cake and sip on my coffee. We talked until it was closing time.

"Hey, Jaden I can walk you home if you want? I m-mean just to keep you safe from-"

"Sure you can, but the rode to my place isn't easy."

"Oh okay, let's go, which way?"

We walked to the forest after a few minutes of seeing who can hit the hardest in the arm, et biensûr, I won!

"Ha! I hit the hardest!"

"Geez what do you do in your spare time? That would break my arm if I didn't drink milk."

"I sit on the couch all day, oh look we are at the forest."

"You live here?" I nodded to his question.

"Just a few feet in and up a tree." We walk not even a foot in and he clings to my arm, "Yah! I'm not a tree, and you're not a koala, it's not that bad here." Walking further we reach my tree. "You can let go now, and look up." He looks up and sees my house.

"U-up th-ere?"

"Yes up there. You can come in if you want," he nods. "Okay you can hold onto my back, I'll climb up." *Sigh* "I said my back or at least my shoulders, not my chest," his arms move down, I growl a tiny bit and lower my bored tone, " or my waist." He whimpers a little and grabs my shoulders.

"Okay sorry it's dark out here," yeah sure. And up we go!

"Oh and close your eyes." Instead of climbing I jump up and land softly, "hey get off you're not a koala." We walk in, I head to the couch, "wanna watch something, by the way how late can you be out?"

"Euh, anything to watch, and not past 8pm."

Time skip to 7:30pm just outside of the forest

"See ya, Min, have a nice night." I waved to him, "and thank you for the present, and merry Christmas. Oh one more thing call me Jade."

"See you too, Jade, have a nice night, you're welcome and merry Christmas," just before he left I hugged him tightly, he hesitated but hugged back. After that I went back, but not missing his face all red.

I get ready for bed and just watch anime, not bothering to go to my bed. I sleep after watching a few episodes of my favorite anime, the scene of us hugging replays until I fall into a deeper sleep.

Sorry for a late, really late, birthday episode it was supposed to be on 25.12.19 but I got busy and finished it a month later a week after part 8 was published hope this was enjoyable?

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