Discovery Part 1

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Sometimes, it feels like everything is out of control; and that couldn't be closer to the truth than for Katherine of Aragon. After her reincarnation along with the rest of Henry's wives, she began noticing things she usually wouldn't. Anna would spend a lot of time with Anne, what with both being strong independent women. There is no way she can understand them. Like most of his wives, Katherine was dependant on Henry.

You then have Catherine Parr. She would usually hideaway with a book, reading until she had to go down, either for food or if the queens called a house meeting. At every other time, she was in her room. What she was doing, Katherine couldn't say. Jane Seymour would usually be in the kitchen or the lounge. Learning how to cook is critical, and Jane decided to take up that task.

It was the youngest, Kitty, that concerned Katherine. After her reincarnation, Kitty refused to talk to boys. Knowing that something drastic must have occurred to cause this, Katherine feels that she needs to speak to Kitty to try and get over it.

"Kitty?" Katherine asks. Alarmed, Kitty glances up from her phone. "You're not in trouble, far from it." Katherine sits next to the younger woman on the sofa. "I want to speak to you."
"Is it about the towel? It wasn't me, I-"
"No, it's not about the towel. I'm concerned that you're not spending time with anyone outside the house."
"I spend time with you and the other queens, does that count?"
"I meant outside of our social group."
"Right." Kitty nods.
"Why don't you try making friends?" Shaking her head, Kitty avoids Katherine's gaze. "Kitty, unless you talk, I can't help."

Where to start? Kitty tries to think of excuses but fails. She hates her past, avoids it when possible. Now, she has to confront it. Memories from long ago return to haunt her. Kitty's neck burns as she remembers what fate dealt her. Sure, she was one word in a stupid rhyme, but it focused on her fate, how everything ended her life. It didn't tell people what she was like as a person. It doesn't tell people what led to that point where her life was cut short by a tyrant.

Katherine, not wanting to force Kitty into talking if she doesn't want to, says that she will be in her room when Kitty is ready to speak. "Wait," Kitty says before Katherine leaves. "It could be nice to talk to someone finally."

As the two women sit there, the only thing they have in common is some idiot who decided to marry them; they finally begin building a bond. Katherine feels that she shook her head many times as Kitty told her story. "The fool!" Katherine almost snaps. "Nothing would have happened to you on my watch!" Pulling out her monkey string fidget ball, a toy she is now attached to, Kitty begins playing with it, worried. "Are you all right?" Kitty nods, slipping out of her seat, taking her phone with her. "Kitty-" Katherine grabs her arm, but Kitty shrugs her off. "Kitty, you can't keep hiding." She retakes her arm.

"What's going on in here?" Jane demands. Katherine lets Kitty go. "Kitty? Are you all right?"
"Yes." Jane takes Kitty in her arms, who stiffens for a moment before relaxing into the hug. Katherine sighs, wondering what is going on.

Once Kitty returns to her room, Katherine pulls Jane to one side. "What's the matter with her?"
"Don't say that. Kitty needs more love than some of us here."
"Katherine, don't argue with me."
"Her routines, rarely making eye contact-"

"Katherine, all Kitty wants is your understanding. She might not enjoy going out, have you not thought about that?" Shaking her head, Katherine feels embarrassed. "She also has a group she is part of, and they support her. Taking her time to get to know people is essential for Kitty, she can't walk up to someone and strike up a conversation."
"Is she scared someone might hurt her?"
"I think there's something more to it. Go easy on Kitty. I'm taking her to her therapist tomorrow, see if she can find out anything."

There is more to Katheryn Howard than Katherine realised.

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