The Incident with the Towel

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A/N: This one-shot was suggested by CubeyMcCuberson in the chapter 'Discovery Part 1'. It is also where Anne BoleynxAnna of Cleves begins. Here is what Katherine and Kitty were talking about:

Walking into the bathroom, Anne notices the new towels hanging on the rails. It's like Jane to buy things like towels when they already have adequate ones. Admiring them for a moment, she realises that they are different colours; yellow, green, silver, red, pink and blue. As she washes her hands, she picks up the green towel. No one will miss it, Anne decides. No one will notice it left the bathroom.

Entering her room, she hides the towel in her wardrobe when Anna knocks on her door. Anna would visit Anne often, even if they didn't have much to talk about. The only things they share are religion, their hatred for Henry, their love for little Kitty Howard and their respect for the other queens. Despite not having much in common, they enjoyed the company of the other. Anne bullied Katherine and Jane in their former lives, and try to keep out of their way as much as possible now. There is no way she wants a fight. Anna is an outcast for a different reason; they don't know her well. While she is willing to make new friends, Anna knows that Anne needs attention.

"Something the matter?"
"Jane brought new towels, there are five others in the bathroom. Look at them!" Anne pulls hers out to show to the German princess, who stands there in shock.
"You stole from the bathroom?"
"What else was I meant to do?" Anna rolls her eyes. "Red is your favourite colour, right?" Nodding, Anna decides to check out the bathroom. Like Anne said, there are five towels on the rail, one of them a distinct red that Anna admires. Taking it back to Anne's room, she realises that though the towels are lovely, they have to go back.

Finding Anne asleep, hugging her towel tightly, Anna decides to leave her be, and to annoy Katherine of Aragon instead. Storing her new towel in her chest of drawers, she decides to seek the former queen out in her room. However, Anna finds that the door is locked. Pressing her ear to the door, she realises that Jane is with Katherine, and it sounds like something she doesn't want to interrupt.

Even if Anna can't disturb Katherine and Jane, she knows of someone who might appreciate her company. Walking out into the sunshine in the back garden, she spots the play castle at one end of the garden. The structure reminds Anna of Hever Castle of sorts, even though it was designed for Kitty's use. Anna can only enter the tower at the top by the ladder unless she wanted to risk climbing the slide. Not wanting to hurt herself as she has a show later that day, Anna hoists herself up the ladder, coming face-to-face with the pink-haired queen. "Mind if I sit here?" Anna dangles her legs over the edge in case her young friend wants her to leave.
"I guess." Kitty glances at Anna before standing up to look over the garden. "You hardly ever come here to see me. Something bothering you?"
"Anne stole some towels."
"Then she needs to give them back."
"Even though they were in the bathroom?"
"I took one as well."
"Then you need to return it. You don't have to tell Jane you did it unless she finds out. I won't tell if you return it."
"Thanks, Kitty."
"Don't mention it," Kitty smiles. Anna is about to climb down when Kitty gestures to the slide. "Go down the slide, it's quicker and more fun."
"Thanks," Anna sits on the slide before pushing herself forward, stopping as her feet touch the ground. "That was fun! Can I go again?"
"Return your towel first." Hurrying back to the house, Anna hopes that Katherine can keep Jane occupied long enough for her to return her towel and convince Anne to do the same.

Opening the door to the bathroom, Katherine notices the towels. "I thought you said there were six of them," she calls out to Jane. Anna pauses on the stairs, wondering whether to admit to what she did or whether to bolt into the garden.
"There are. I brought one for everyone."
"Half of them are missing."
"WHAT?!" Anna watches as Jane crosses the landing to the bathroom. "Who is low enough to steal towels from their home?"
"Whose towels are missing?"
"Anne Boleyn, Anna of Cleves and Katheryn Howard, but Kitty would never do something like this."

"I can back that up," Anna says, walking up the stairs. "Kitty's out in the garden, so she wouldn't have taken one."
"It's not like Kitty to do something like that," Jane agrees. "I'll keep an eye on the towels, make sure no others go missing." Anna heads into her room to retrieve her towel and put it back, only to find it missing. Starting again down the hallway, she bangs her fist against Anne's door.

"I know you have them, don't deny it."
"I have what? Anna, what are you talking about?" Anne still sounds half-asleep the other side of the door. "You've woken me from my nap."
"Three towels are missing, one of which was in my room that I am returning to the bathroom. Where is it?"
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Turning the knob, Anna bursts into the room.

Anne isn't lying on her bed like Anna expected her to be. The green towel is hiding, and Anna decides to find it and put all three towels back as soon as possible. "Where are they if they aren't in the bathroom?"
"Where are what?"
"The towels, I know you have them."
"So what if I do, Jane would never tell us off. She can't even say 'boo' to a goose."
"If she wanted to, I bet she could. Now, hand them over."
"If you won't hand them over, I'll search for them."

"I admire your determination, Anna. In fact, I love you for it."
"What did you say?" Anna turns to Anne, astonishment covering her face.
"Nothing." Anna returns to searching for the towels, finding one of them in Anne's chest of drawers, but unable to find the other two.

Placing it back on the rail, Anna turns to find Jane standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "I was putting the towel back. I was going to return the one I stole, but I don't know where it is."
"Let me guess, Boleyn?"
"You guessed right."
"I'll have a chat to her, darling. Don't worry about it." As Anna watches Jane leave the bathroom, she is sure that Jane winks at her before disappearing into Anne's room. 

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