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A/N: This chapter focuses on Katherine of Aragon and Jane Seymour getting together as a couple. I hope you enjoy it.

Katherine of Aragon: NoWay
Anne Boleyn: GreenSleeves@RedLipstick
Jane Seymour: HeartofStone
Anna of Cleves: Queen@Castle
Katheryn Howard: The10AmongstThese3's
Catherine Parr: IDon'tNeedYourLove

Sitting by the café window, Katherine decides to check out what the other queens are doing. Logging into her account, she checks out the chat. She avoided the house the previous night; Anne was arguing with everyone. Jane dragged her adopted daughter away to a hotel, and Katherine decided to make herself scarce as well. Anne never liked either Katherine or Jane.

HeartofStone: Haven't heard anything from Anne. Is it safe to return?

IDon'tNeedYourLove: The Gremlin's asleep in her room. She almost set the kitchen on fire last night.

HeartofStone: I thought that was my job!

Queen@Castle: Anyone can burn down a kitchen. It's not only you.

NoWay: Was she drunk?

IDon'tNeedYourLove: Not that I remember. It still might not be best to return yet just in case.

NoWay: Jane, mind if I come around?

HeartofStone: Sure. I'll give you the address.

While Jane and Katheryn stayed at a hotel, Katherine asked Maria to take her in for the night, which she happily agreed. The two have been friends for as long as Katherine could remember, and she felt grateful towards Maria for turning up.

After going to the hotel to find Jane, she locates the correct room and knocks on the door. The opening door opens to reveal Jane still in her nightgown. "Sorry I haven't had the chance to get dressed."
"That's fine," Katherine sweeps past her into the room. "Where's Kitty?"
"In the bathroom to have some privacy. I can understand why it must be strange for Kitty." Nodding absentmindedly, Katherine turns to Jane. Her straight blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and lips that looks-

No, Katherine, don't do this, Aragon tells herself. You can't do this again. The last time that happened with Maria, the King found out and sent her away. But Jane was her successor, she knows the worst part of what Katherine went through, whereas Maria does not. If they could be a couple...

But Jane might not accept her. If she doesn't, Katherine can lose one of her closest friends, and that's the last thing she wants to deal with at the moment. "How's Kitty?"
"I don't know, she's not talking much, as you can imagine."
"Did the therapist give you any answers?"
"Kitty has autism. As you can imagine, something like this will be hard on her."
"I guess that explains the routines." Jane nods. "I wish there is something we can do to make her life easier."
"One thing that helps is a stable home. If Kitty doesn't have that, it can affect her long-term. We'll have to smooth out any arguments to make sure something like this doesn't happen again."
"But you know how dramatic Anne can be." Jane nods as the two sink into a comfortable silence.

There isn't much to talk about now; they know each other well. Both agree on religion, the lifestyles they live. But Katherine isn't sure if Jane would think that what she feels is right. "Jane, there is something I want to tell you." Neither Katherine nor Jane hear the water shut off in the bathroom.
"Take your time, Katherine."

"I love you."
"I beg your pardon?"
"I wanted to tell you for some time, but never had the chance as we were always with the other queens. I thought you would hate me. I-"
"Why would I hate you? I have no reason to do so."
"The thing is, Katherine of Aragon, I love you, too."

"I thought it would be more awkward," Katherine grins.
"It easily could have been," Jane chuckles. Katherine's phone beeps, and she opens the message.

The10AmongstThese3's has sent you a private message

The10AmongstThese3's: About time!

NoWay: Katheryn, what are you talking about?

The10AmongstThese3's: I heard you two. You will make an amazing couple. Wait until Mary gets here, I can't wait to tell her.

NoWay: No, you're not telling Mary! 

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