Parr's Guilt (Part 4 of Queens United)

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In the morning, the queens are preparing for the day. Katherine and Cathy offered to stay at home to look after Kitty. As Kitty is the only one of the six wives to still go to school, she needs to have as normal a life as possible. 'I'll go and wake her,' Anna offers.
'No, I'll do it,' Cathy says. She runs up the stairs to Kitty's room, leaving the other queens surprised. While Anna has grown closer to Kitty over the past few months since they arrived in the 21st century, it seems to be Cathy and Jane, who now have Kitty's full trust.

Cathy reaches Kitty's door and knocks. 'Kitty? It's time for school.' There isn't a reply. 'Right, Kitty, I'm coming in.' Cathy opens the door, and the sight in front of her shocks the former queen into silence.

Kitty's room is a mess. The wardrobe doors stand open, with clothes littering the floor. Her bed is still made, there is no way Kitty slept there last night. Kitty's drawers of her nightstand are also open. Upon the nightstand is an envelope addressed to the other queens. Cathy picks it up before running downstairs.

'Kitty's gone,' she says.
'What?' Jane almost shrieks.
'She left this,' Cathy passes the envelope to Jane, who silently opens it. The other queens gather around to read the note Kitty left behind.

Dear queens,

It is my fault that Mary is gone, so I will go after her. I have a duty to my stepchildren, so I will protect them when I find them. I know it will be hard on all of you, but I have to do this. Do not hate me for this.

Cathy, I know I never said anything, and I should have, but I couldn't bear to tell you face-to-face. I love you.

You are all great friends, and I'm sure Mary, Elizabeth and Edward will agree with me on that one. I will find them and bring them home. We will be a family again.


When she reads to the end of the note, tears begin to build up in Cathy's eyes. She abandons the other queens, running up the stairs to her daughter. Mae is sitting on the floor with her toys and is oblivious to her mother's plight until she starts sobbing. Mae looks startled by the change of events and tries to entertain Cathy by showing her different toys. While Cathy smiles briefly at her daughter, her mind is miles away. She is thinking about Kitty. Why did she have to leave? It isn't Kitty's fault that Mary is gone.

Cathy stands before grabbing her phone. She has a mission, so someone else must look after Mae while she's away. She knocks on Katherine's door, and her godmother answers. 'Hello, Cathy, is something the matter?'
'I need you to look after Mae for me. I'm going after Kitty.'
'We don't know where she is, how are you going to find her?'
'I'll find her, don't worry about that. Will you look after Mae during my absence?'
'Okay, but I'm not happy about it. You better hope Jane doesn't find out.'
'I'll be back before you know it.' Cathy runs down the stairs and out the door before anyone else can say anything.

As she exits the Haus of Six, the only thing on her mind is Kitty. Where did she get to? Cathy hopes that she is alright, but considering that first Edward and Elizabeth, then Mary disappeared, there is no guarantee. The best thing is for her to figure out who wants to hurt them, and the answer seems obvious.

The only person who would do this is Henry.

As Cathy walks out of the neighbourhood, she decides to call Kitty. If Kitty picks up, then Cathy will know if she is all right, or if she even found the missing children. The mobile keeps ringing, Kitty doesn't pick up. 'Come on, Kitty. You must be here somewhere.'

Cathy comes across a house she hadn't taken much notice of before. The only reason she is taking an interest in it now is the teenager standing at the window. She stares back at Cathy, and Cathy notices that her dyed pink hair is tied in a high ponytail, much like Kitty. 'Kitty? Is that you?' Cathy begins to approach the window when the teenager opens the window.

'I don't have much time,' Kitty whispers.
'We got your note, but why did you have to be so reckless?'
'It's my fault Mary disappeared, but there is something you should know-'
'What is she doing at the window?' A familiar voice yells. A man appears with ginger hair and hard blue eyes.
'Thomas?' Cathy asks. Thomas glowers at the woman who was once his wife.
'Edward Seymour is in on it too,' Kitty yells. 'Get away, Cathy! Get away from here before he finds you!'
'Before who finds me?' Cathy asks. 'Kitty, who is it?' Thomas drags the young queen away from the window.
'Edward, my ex is outside! Go and get her while I sort out this queen!' Cathy turns on her heel and runs from the window.

But she doesn't go home. Going home will alert the others to where the other queens are, and Cathy can't do that. The best she can do is wait for things to change.

Why did Kitty have to be heroic?

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