Katheryn Howard x Reader part 2

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A/N: @EdwardTudorSeymour asked for this chapter. Here we go! I wanted to get this chapter out today, so it is not my best work, but I hope you enjoy it.

You wait for Katheryn as school finishes, just like the time you did when you first went to her place. However, you are not in your car this time. You are in the playground waiting for her, your eyes fixed on her as she walks out of school. 'See you tomorrow,' she calls to her friends before approaching you. 'I see you got out of class early, Y/N.'
'Yes, our teacher wasn't in. Shall I take you back home?'
'I was thinking of something else before I have to go back.' She pulls her phone out and texts the other queens. 'Can we go to that pizza place in town?'
'Sure,' you say. 'A new one has opened, we can go there.' Katheryn nods, and you both climb into the car. 'Do you want to listen to anything?' Katheryn turns on the radio, and It's My Life from & Juliet is playing.
'This is awesome!' Kitty says as she begins dancing. You love it whenever she dances. If she could, she probably would have pulled you up to dance with her. Well, you're the driver, and it is your job to get Kitty home safe.

'It's my life, it's now or never!' The two of you sing as you drive along.
'And I ain't gonna live forever,' Kitty sings. The two of you laugh before you arrive at some traffic. 'I'm going to check how long they think it will be.' Kitty checks her phone as a car stops behind you. There is no going back, and there is no going forward. The person in the car behind you gets out and walks around to you. You roll your window down.

'Sir, is there a problem?'
'That woman with you, who is she?'
'You have no right to know, now bog off.' Sure, you were rude, but it isn't his business. He grabs your t-shirt.
'Tell me who she is, or I'll punch your face in.'
'Y/N, it's all right,' Kitty says, shaking slightly. 'I thought you were in prison.'
'I escaped,' he shrugs.
'The police will be after you.' Kitty settles back in her seat. The man lets you go and walks around the car as the traffic starts moving again. You see a gap and speed forward, the man jumping out of the way at the last second.

'Dang it,' You mutter. 'There was no way I was going to let him do anything to you, Kitty.' You speed into town as fast as you can without breaking the speed limit. 'That was a close one,' you say when you arrive outside the pizza place. 'You all right, Kitty?' Kitty nods, looking shaken. 'I'm not taking you in there, you should go home.' Kitty nods again, and you slowly make your way back to Kitty's house.

You kiss her goodnight like everything is normal, but you know that things might start going downhill. 

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