Saragon Part 2

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A/N: This part was requested by @catholic_mArYaRagOn. This story takes place soon after the first Saragon story I wrote. It is a very short one, but I hope you enjoy it. Let's continue!

Katherine couldn't believe her luck when she realised she was going out with the woman of her dreams.

She always admired Jane; strong, loveable Jane. She is the foundation of their strange and beautiful family. She is the mother that keeps everyone in line; the sister people turn to when they need comfort.

But tonight, no one in the house needed comfort more than Jane.

As Katherine passes Jane's bedroom door, she notes with surprise that it is shut. Jane never shuts her bedroom door. Not even when Anne creeps in there and nabs something. Not even if Anna is trashing the rest of the palace. Katherine knocks on the door. 'Jane, are you in there?' She presses her ear to the door and realises that Jane is crying. 'Jane, can I come in?'
'No,' Jane sobs.
'Why not?'
'You can't see me in this state! He always flipped out whenever I cried.' Katherine can easily assume that 'he' meant Henry, and her brow furrows.
'He's not here, Jane. No one will be mad if they see you like this.'
'I'm not leaving.' Katherine sits down, facing the door.

'If there is anything you need to talk about, I am here. Remember that, Jane.'
'I don't need to talk to anyone.' Katherine watches as Anne and Anna pass her on their Heelys.
'Hey, you're not meant to use those in the house! Hand them over!'
'Why should we?' Anne demands. 'You're not Jane.' The two of them roll away to another part of the palace. As she is about to settle down again, Katherine sees Cathy and Katheryn talking together. Katheryn chuckles, and Cathy hugs her. Katherine smiles, glad to see the two of them getting on.

'Jane, can you please open the door?' Jane finally opens the door. Tears are streaming down her face. 'Oh, Jane,' Katherine wipes the tears away. 'There is no need to cry. I will always stay with you.' Jane hugs Katherine.
'I'll get dinner on.'
'No, I'll do it, you need a rest and time to recover. How hard can it be?'

Half an hour later...

'Jane! I burnt the dinner!' 

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