Reign of the children

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A/N: LoveIsLove_47 requested this chapter. I also decided to include Mary Seymour (Catherine Parr's daughter). Requests are still welcome. Let's get on with the story. 

Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour and Catherine Parr are sitting in the living room. Anna and Kitty decided to go on a date, and the other four queens chose to use the rare opportunity to research what happened to their children. 'Catherine, I don't mean to sound rude, but I don't think you'll find out much about your daughter,' Anne says.
'It's worth a try,' Catherine responds, shrugging. 'I'll have to try the internet; there might be something there.' She opens her blue laptop, beginning to research Mary Seymour.

'There are plenty of biographies on Elizabeth; I'll look there.' Anne locates one of the biographies and begins reading through it. Katherine approaches the bookshelf and starts flipping through any book she can get her hands on about her Mary. Jane, deciding that Catherine's method could be the best option, sits at her laptop and begins researching.

After about fifteen minutes of research, Catherine shuts her laptop with a sob. Anne drops her book, rushing to her aid. 'It's all right, Cathy,' she says as Cathy's body shakes with sobs.
'No, it isn't. You don't get it; all your children survived past babyhood! No one knows what happened to my Mary! All I have to go on are conspiracy theories.' Cathy hides her face with her hands, refusing to look at anyone.
'Oh, Cathy,' Katherine sits beside her goddaughter. 'I'm so-' Before she can finish, Cathy jumps up, running out of the room. Her sobs fade away as the three queens hear her run up the stairs. Jane is about to jump up when Katherine guides her back to her laptop. 'We should leave her for a while. Why don't you check on her in a few minutes?'

'Neither of you know what it's like to die in childbirth, never discovering the fate of your children!' Jane shouts. Katherine flinches like someone hit her over the head. 'If Cathy is taking the lack of information about her daughter like this, what will I find?'
'All you can do is hope for the best,' Katherine says. 'Already I'm finding information about Mary I'd rather not know. Henry must have treated her harshly for this to happen.'
'Of course, he did,' Anne says. 'He treated both his daughters unfairly. But Jane, if Thomas Seymour finds his way here, I'm going to kill him.'
'You are doing no such thing!'
'Wait until you hear what he did to my Elizabeth!'

As the two women begin bickering, Jane turns back to the laptop. She has a list of websites open and clicks on one of the tabs. Upon reading what she found, Jane's hand flies to her mouth as she tries to stifle a sob. 'My son died at fifteen.'
'What?' Katherine turns to her girlfriend and holds her while she cries. 'Oh, Jane, I'm so sorry.'
'He died before he could do anything with his life. I... I wanted him to support Catholicism, but my brothers turned him into a protestant!'
'Jane, it's all right.'
'I'm going to find Cathy.' Without another word, Jane turns, running up the stairs.

Katherine doesn't want to return to her research. From what she gathered, Mary was a ruthless queen, killing hundreds of people in the name of Catholicism, even imprisoning her half-sister in the Tower. Shaking her head, Katherine sits down on the sofa, her head in her hands.

Anne Boleyn soon joins her, smiling. 'My daughter was better than yours; I said this would happen!'
'Not now, Anne,' Katherine moans. 'I don't want to hear it.'
'You owe me five pounds,' Anne smirks.
'Not now!' Katherine stands, storming out of the room.

She can hear Cathy's sobbing and decides to check up on her goddaughter. When she opens the door and steps into the blue room, Katherine's eyes fall on the bed, where the younger queen is curled up. Jane is there as well, and she glances up when Katherine enters. 'I know that this isn't how you want us to see you, Jane, but you need time too,' Katherine sits by the three women. Jane begins crying, and Katherine sits with them for a while. Soon, Anne joins them, saying that she's sorry for how she reacted. The four of them sit on the bed together.

After a few minutes, they hear the door open. 'Hey, queens!' Anna yells. 'You won't believe who we found!' Katherine, Anne and Jane hurry down, soon followed by Cathy. Katherine is already hugging a teenage girl with reddish-brown hair and blue eyes, while Anne is talking to a young girl with red hair startling blue eyes. Jane kneels, so she is the same height as her son, and he is talking to her with the highest respect.

'Mama?' A little girl's voice asks. Cathy turns to find a two-year-old girl toddling towards her. Kneeling, Cathy catches the little girl in her arms before she falls.
'Mary,' she smiles, holding her little daughter close.
'Mae,' she says.
'We could use Mae.' Cathy watches as Anne takes Elizabeth into the living room and decides to follow her.
'What shall we play?' Anne asks.
'You do remember that Katherine is seriously competitive, right?' Cathy asks.
'Whatever, we should teach the kids how things work in the 21st century. So, what shall it be?'

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