Anna's Mission (Part 5 of Queens United)

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'Have any of you seen Cathy?' Anna asks.
'Why are you asking? You're not her girlfriend,' Anne points out.
'Shut up.'
'She left Mae with me,' Katherine says. 'She's gone after Kitty.' Anna groans.
'We have to go after her. Cathy could be in trouble.' As they talk, Cathy bursts through the door.
'I found Kitty!'

'Where is she?' Jane asks as the queens stare at Cathy.
'Your brothers have her, but they are working for someone. We need to take them by surprise, but they know I know where Kitty is.'
'If we need the element of surprise, then we want to leave it a few days.'
'They might be gone by then. We need to leave now!'
'Are you just saying that because Kitty said she loved you?' Anna asks.
'Are you going to help or not, Anna?'

The queens gather in the kitchen. 'Someone needs to stay behind and look after Mae,' Anna naturally takes charge.
'I'll do it,' Jane says. 'I'm less likely to burn the kitchen down.' Katherine nods.
'Cathy, where is this house?'
'It is close by, I was wandering around looking for Kitty when I found it. It's in the neighbourhood, so it's close.'
'What about the other children?'
'I haven't found them yet, only Kitty. But they could be there.'
'Right, we split into two groups. Cathy and I will go to the front of the house, Anne, Katherine, you go to the back. Once they leave, we go in and save Kitty and anyone else they took prisoner.' The queens nod. Jane stays with Mae while the others leave and go to the house.

'This is it,' Cathy points at the house. They watch as Edward and Thomas leave the house, locking the door behind them. 'Who has a hairpin so I can pick the lock?' Anna and Anne pull one out of their hair, holding them out to Cathy. Cathy takes Anne's hairpin as they approach the door and begins to pick the lock. 'Katherine, Anne, you'll have to climb the gate.'
'But what if someone sees us?' Katherine asks.
'It doesn't matter, let's go,' Anne says, taking Katherine's hand and leading her to the back of the house.

'Have you got it yet?' Anna asks Cathy.
'Almost,' Cathy says as she twists the hairpin a little. The lock clicks. 'Yes!' She opens the door, and Anna and Cathy step inside. The house is quiet, too quiet to the queens' liking.
'If Edward and Thomas already left, who would still be here?' Anna whispers.
'Maybe they're upstairs?' Anne asks when she and Katherine join them.
'Anne, Katherine, you two search down here,' Anna says as she and Cathy climb the stairs. 'We should find something.' Anne and Katherine continue to look downstairs as Anna and Cathy finish climbing the stairs.

There are four doors on the landing. 'Where shall we try first?' Anna asks.
'One of us needs to be on the lookout,' Cathy says. 'If anyone comes, we need to be alert and warn the other.' Anna nods and decides she will remain on the lookout while Cathy searches the rooms. The first door Cathy opens leads to the bathroom. While on quick inspection, no one is in there, she decides to explore thoroughly. They could hide anywhere.

No one is in the bathroom, so Cathy backs out of the room and is about to check the next room when she hears voices coming from a door up ahead. 'I want Mummy,' the voice says.
'I know you want Mummy, Ed, I know,' Mary says. Cathy almost jumps for joy. They found the children. 'We will find a way back to our parents as soon as possible. Liz, do you have any ideas?'
'Not yet,' Liz replies. 'I hope Kitty hurries up. I want to go home.' So, Kitty is not in the same room as the kids. Where is she? Anna hurries up to the door and uses a hairpin to unlock the door.
'Mary? Elizabeth? Edward?' The three children spill out of the room, thanking the people who rescued them. 'Katherine and Anne are downstairs, be as quiet as you can.'
'Do you know where Kitty is?' Cathy asks.
'Our father took her,' Mary says with a grave face. 'I'm sorry, Cathy, but I don't know where she is.'
'Thank you, Mary.' Cathy clenches her fists. 'That idiot of a man will pay if he hurt my Kitty in any way.'

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