Pre-show jitters (Autistic Katheryn Howard)

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Pre-diagnosis Katheryn Howard:

As they prepare for the first show, the six queens and their new friends, Courtney, Melody and Harriet hang out in their dressing rooms. "Shall we do a live?" Courtney asks as she analyses the changes needed for her costumes.
"No one better change, we're going to do a live," Harriet calls as Courtney opens Instagram.

"Hello everyone," Courtney says into the phone. "My name is Courtney Seymour; this is my little sister, fresh out of drama school. We are in the dressing room of a new show in the West End."
"We're in SIX!" Melody says.
"Yeah, so we're backstage at the moment, hoping that everything goes to plan, that no one is so scared that they can't go on. Our costumes aren't ready yet. Do we want to say what colours we wear?"
"I wear black; it matches my mood sometimes."
"You don't have to be gloomy. I wear teal, and my costume is gorgeous." Courtney holds up the top she gets to wear as well as the skirt. "I love my skirt; it gives me Seymour vibes. What do you think?" People flood the comments section, saying that they love the style of the costume.

Separated from the alternates by the costume rack, Jane Seymour, Katheryn Howard and Catherine Parr get ready for the show. They are already in costume and have their make-up on, waiting to go on stage. "Hey, queens!" Courtney almost shoves the phone in their faces. "Everyone wants to meet you." Katheryn dives for her bag, locating her fidget toy. "That's Katheryn; she's super shy."
"Am not," Katheryn mumbles.
"The one furthest away is Jane Seymour."
"Hi," Jane smiles. "We're all going to be on stage if everything goes according to plan. I don't know if we will stage door yet. The shoes we have to wear are killer, but we will see how things go."
"Catherine Parr, will you stage door tonight?"
"As Jane said, we will see how it goes."
"Katheryn Howard, what about you?"
"Oh, sorry, this happens sometimes," Jane hurries to her adopted daughter's rescue. "As I said, we'll wait to see what happens."
"Thank you. I'll see if the other queens will do stage door." Courtney hurries out with her phone, earning a sigh of relief from Katheryn.

"My sister can be a bit much, but she means well at heart," Melody assures the youngest queen.
"I'm worried I'll forget everything."
"You won't, babe," Catherine assures her. "I'll be here for you, remember that."
"Thanks, Cathy. You're the best." The two queens put their heads together, and Kitty looks like she is drawing strength from Catherine.
"Have I missed something?" Jane asks. Immediately, Kitty sits up, shaking her head.
"No, Mum, you haven't."

"Places in five," someone yells, starting Kitty.
"Come on, Kitty, let's go."

Post-diagnosis Katheryn Howard:

"Hey, Kitty," Melody says. "I heard about the diagnosis. If you want to talk about anything, I'll be here."
"Thank you, Melody. I'll keep your offer in mind."
"Do you want a hug or...?"
"I'll accept a handshake right now. I'm too nervous for a hug from anyone but Mum." Accepting this offer, Melody shakes Katheryn's outstretched hand.
"We'll get through this together. How is everyone else taking it?"
"We are adapting the show to not only fit my needs but also to what the other queens want."

"Another script change?" Courtney moans. "It feels like yesterday since we started performing. I have to learn an entirely new script along with all the other alternates."
"Catherine handed out the new script ages ago. Are you telling me you haven't read it?!"
"Not all of us are as organised as you, Kitty. Did you not realise that?"
"Hey, leave her alone!" Melody says.
"Fine. I'm out. See you at home, little sis."
"Hey, you're meant to be here in case any of the queens need to come off stage."
"Well, I'll be at home studying the new script. See you later." Courtney ruffles her little sister's hair.

"She'll take some time coming around," Melody assures Katheryn as they change. "But she'll be fine."
"Places, Katheryn," Jane says before taking her daughter's hand.
"See you later, Melody," Katheryn says as she and Jane hurry out to join the others as they wait for the music to start. 

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