Destiny is a funny thing... It will bring two together and just so happen to be the same thing that rips and tears them apart. But it always ensures that those same two are brought together, whether fantasy and reality want it or not. Simply because...
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{ chapter two ~ Mr and Mrs Beaver }
The weary face of Mila Jones had soon became home to a smile as she turned and continuously counted the siblings. "Four." She whispered. "Your it." She chuckled. "Just like father had told me." The Pevensies tilted their heads to the side, each looking like a lost puppy. "We're it?" Susan, as they had been previously introduced, asked. "It's pretty hard to explain." Mila sighed. "Um but let's see, Two sons of -" she was cut of by a whistle. "Sons of-" she repeated only to be cut of again by the whistle. Everyone glanced around, only noticing a bird. "Did that bird just "pssst" us?" Susan said confused. "Don't be ridiculous, birds can't talk." Mila mumbled, which earned a chuckle from the youngest boy, Edmund. Mila scanned the room to grin at the boy as Susan tutted. She rushed around the shaken house looking for her cloak. It was torn but at least it would keep her warm to some extent. "Come on then." She told the Pevensies before she left the small door of the home.
The snow was harsh against her face, but at least it made her look somewhat healthier. The cracking of sticks in the woods was enough to make anyone jump, even Mila. "What was that?" She whispered, only to earn a small 'shh' from Peter as he took the lead. Mila watched as the siblings all crowded the oldest. He was their protector - it was his duty to look after them, probably an order from his mother. Mila stood behind, keeping her distance, not wanting to interfere with the bond the siblings had. She noticed Edmund stood behind, so in a comforting way she held her hand out as if to protect him. Nothing horrid would happen anyway, she knew Peter would do something if danger would come to his siblings. But Mila could sense the tension between the boys. "It's a beaver," Lucy said which caused Mila to smile. A beaver wouldn't hurt them. "Here boy." Mila watched from the back as Peter held his hand out to the animal. Clearly telling him it was alright. "Well, I ain't going to smell it if that's what you want." The beaver said causing three of the four siblings to jump. Lucy, along with Mila let out a chuckle. "Oh sorry," Peter mumbled before stepping back with his siblings.
"Lucy Pevensie." The Beaver spoke as he looked upon the smallest girl. "Yes." Lucy gasped in awe at how the animal could know such a thing. She took the small hankie that she had previously given to Tumnus from his small clutch. "This is the hankie I gave to Mr-" "Tumnus." The beaver cut her off. "He got it to me just before they took him." Lucy gasped, "Is he alright?" The beaver looked about before pointing back to the forest, "Further in." He said before hurrying back behind the rock.
"What are you doing?" Susan said as she pulled Peter back by the shoulder as he and Lucy began walking. "She's right how do we know we can trust him." Edmund piped up, saying the first full sentence since Mila had met them. "He says he knows the fawn," Peter said before catching Mila's eye. "He's a beaver! He shouldn't be saying anything!" Mila stared at the two, "Beavers speak that often they struggle to keep their mouths shut. Is that different in Spare Oom?" Three siblings stared at her confused, but never got the chance to question her about it, "Everything alright?" The beaver asked as he ran to sit atop the rock. "Yes. Just talking." Peter told him. "We'll be right with you Mr. Beaver. We're sorry for keeping you waiting." Mila piped up, which caused the Beaver to stare wide-eyed. "Forgive me for my lack of formality, Your Majesty." She shook her head, "No need for that, I haven't been a Royal since the White Witch took over." A sigh came from the beaver. "We were just talking," Peter spoke again. "That's better left for the safe cause." He said before running ahead. "He means the trees," Lucy whispered as she glanced at the tree tops. "They listen," Mila said, before walking to join the Beaver.
Mila walked alongside Lucy and Peter at the front of the group. She spoke so fondly of Mr. Tumnus, as did Lucy. The two answered all of the questions Peter had about the fawn. "So, you grew up in Narnia?" Peter made small talk with Mila as Lucy walked ahead. The brunette smiled and nodded. "Narnia's been my forever home. It wasn't always like this." She said motioning to the snow, "We did have sunny days. That was a long time ago." Peter frowned at the girl, her eyes had dropped. "Was Mr. Tumnus your family?" He asked, a long silence rained after that. "I'm sorry if it's a touchy subject." She shook her head. "My mother died in childbirth and my father died alongside his sisters when I was four." The boy placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder. "Oh, I'm sorry." She shrugged, "It's not your fault. Lucy mentioned your father was fighting at war in Spare Oom." He chuckled, "You keep saying Spare Oom. What do you mean?" Mila furrowed her neat brows. "Lucy said she came to find Narnia through a wardrobe in Spare Oom." The teenager smiled, "I think you mean Spare Room." He told her. "We're actually from Finchley in England." The girl grinned. "My dad's journal talked about a place called England." She smiled. "I thought your family was from here?" She shook her head. "A human usually stumbles across Narnia, I was the first human baby born here! My dad was actually from a place called, I think he said it was Lon Din?" Peter grinned, "London." He corrected her. She simply nodded. "Anyway, he and his three siblings, they all came to Narnia and then called it their home." She looked around at the beauty of Narnia, something Peter had quickly picked up on when he set foot in the realm. "They came here to be ru-" she was cut off by her own scream as she slipped on some ice. "Careful." Peter chuckled as he, once again, caught her in his grasp. "We don't want any more injuries." He sadly said, pointing to her still blood-stained forehead.
The two simply smiled at each other in that brief moment, before the chuckle from Edmund and Lucy Pevensie entered their ears. "Well then." Peter blushed as he scratched the back of his head. "Are we almost at your home?" Mila asked as she rushed up front to speak to Mr. Beaver. Who nodded as he pointed at his calling wife from the bottom of the hill they were stood upon. "Beaver! Is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find out you've been with Badger again, ohhh." The wife of Mr. Beaver gasped as she lay her eyes on five children and her husband. "Well, those aren't badgers." She suddenly got really excited. "Oh well, I never thought I'd live to see the day!" The four Pevensies stood confused. "Look at my fur! You couldn't have given me an hour notice!" She scolded her husband. "I would have given ye a week if I thought it'd help." He replied which caused four, excluding Edmund to laugh. "You look lovely," Mila spoke, which then caused Mrs. Beaver to bow, pretty low. "Oh please don't." Mila worried, formality wasn't her thing, especially since no one had addressed her as Princess in a long time. "You look so much like your father." She told her, which caused Mila to smile. "Come inside. And we'll see if we can get you some food. And some civilized company." She said, referring to her husband. Mila chuckled before following the female Beaver. "Careful! Watch your step!" Mr. Badger told them as the five children entered his dam home.