Destiny is a funny thing... It will bring two together and just so happen to be the same thing that rips and tears them apart. But it always ensures that those same two are brought together, whether fantasy and reality want it or not. Simply because...
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{ chapter eight ~ aslan's camp }
Mila giggled along with the light breeze that blew through her hair. She watched closely as the flowers bloomed, especially the yellow ones, she loved the yellow ones. She smiled and curtsied to the nymphs. Everything she did made Peter get butterflies, after all, he was beginning to be quite smitten with the girl. "I told you Narnia was a lot prettier in the spring!" She called back to the siblings and the beavers who simply smiled and laughed at how cute she was being.
"Goodbye, snow!" She shouted as she leaned against one of the many trees. "Hello, Spring!" She cried out as she laughed. "Wake up." She told the tree, which began swaying as soon as she left it. "She would have missed it all." Mrs. Beaver whispered to her husband as they watched Princess Mila run through the, as she described it, soft grass. "The blossoms, the sun. She grew up with it Beaver. Imagine such beauty being taken away." She told the Pevensies and her husband as she, herself admired the beauty.
Mila only came to a stop as she stood before tents of Narnia colours. "Aslan." She whispered eagerly as she stood before it. She waited, impatiently, for Peter, Susan, Lucy, and the Beavers to catch up. "Took you long enough," Mila mumbled to Peter as a horn sounded. Mila walked behind the Pevensies alongside the Beavers as they entered the camp. Fawns, Centaurs, all mythical creatures stared in disbelief. The occasional bow came towards Mila, which she returned with a slight curtsy in return. Smiles grew on the faces of the warriors to greet their new leaders. "Why are they all staring at us?" Mila heard Susan mumble. "Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy replied causing Peter and Mila to chuckle. "They haven't seen any Humans, Su. So in fairness to Lucy, we do look funny."
Peter unsheathed his sword as the group came to a stop outside of what Mila guessed, was Aslan's tent. "We have come to see Aslan." He announced. Mila stood beside him, only to bow at the sight of Aslan's mighty paw. The Pevensies joined her quickly after. "Welcome Peter, son of Adam. Welcome Susan and Lucy, daughters of Eve. It's nice to see you well, Princess Mila, daughter of High King Alexander the Great." Mila smiled at this, she hadn't heard her father's title in such a long while. "And welcome to you beavers, you have my thanks. But where is the fourth?" Each of the children stood up. "That's why we're here Sir. We need your help." Peter finished as he sheathed his sword. "We had a little trouble along the way," Susan said. "Our brother he's been captured by the White Witch." Peter's words earned a gasp from the preparing army. "Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan spoke. All the Pevensies remained silent. "He betrayed them, Your Majesty." Mr. Beaver told him, which caused the army behind to riot. "Then he has betrayed us all!" Mila bit her lip slightly. "Peace Orious, please." She spoke to the Centaur she remembered to have known of when he was small. "I wouldn't say he betrayed them, Your Majesty. And forgive me for speaking out of turn but, Jadis has a way with words. Edmund was tricked, he's just a boy. Please, you have to help him." Peter smiled. "It's my fault really, I was too hard on him," Peter spoke up. "We all were," Susan added. Lucy's small voice came as she glanced at Mila. "Sir, he's our brother." Aslan nodded his great mane. "I know dear one, and that only makes the betrayal worse. This may be harder than you think." He told them.
Mila sat on the grass, mainly letting it curl around her fingers as she recalled how soft it was. "How are you?" Aslan asked the girl. She smiled. "Perfect now that Spring is back." He chuckled. "I see you got your father's sword." Mila nodded. "You knew?" Aslan looked at the girl. "Who do you think gave it to Father Christmas?" Mila jumped up to hug the soft mane of the lion. "Thank you!" She grinned as a few tears rolled down her cheek. "It means a lot." Aslan smiled. "You need to know how to use it." He told her as he lightly blew on her face causing the tears to stray. "Orious, has kindly offered to help." He told her. "I hear you two had some kind of friendship." Mila chuckled. "He was a baby back then. He and my father were friends." Aslan nodded. "Oh and Mila, thank you for helping the Pevensies get here safely." Mila grinned. "My pleasure, Your Highness." She chuckled before running off to meet Orious.