Destiny is a funny thing... It will bring two together and just so happen to be the same thing that rips and tears them apart. But it always ensures that those same two are brought together, whether fantasy and reality want it or not. Simply because...
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{ chapter eleven ~ the wonders of growing up }
The first year of the twins went by with a whirlwind of emotions. Mila and Peter had felt tiredness more than any emotion. The twins were a handful, especially during the nights. Even Mila's stories of Narnia didn't seem to calm them down.
Alexandra and Markus didn't grow out of their antics during their toddler years either. However, their crying and whining wasn't the source of Mila and Peter's extreme tiredness. As soon as they started walking, they quickly learned how to run. "If we were in Cair Paravel raising these too they would be so tired of running the marble floors!" Peter would occasionally shout. "Cair Paravel would give them many more hiding places than here!" Mila would often shout back. Hiding and running and playing and screaming and laughing occupied their toddler years. Mila and Peter were tired, but they would push that aside. The twins were their pride and joy. They spoiled them.
Markus looked a lot like his dad, however, his sandy brown hair, accompanied by his deep brown eyes gave him the face of his mum. He took after her too, his head was always in a book, and his favorites were the ones his mother had written. Mila had always written short tales of her time in Narnia, and her little Prince loved them. He always asked to hear the section of Mila and Peter's meeting, and their first kiss, and their wedding. He loved it all. Fairytales were his absolute favourite.
Unlike his sister, who always begged to be told about the battles and fighting. Alexandra had grown into her mother's looks, her dark brown hair flowed long down her back and her small frame made her look fragile, however, her positive and fearless attitude projected her strong emotions forwards. She took after her father, she always had an answer for everything, and she lived to snarkily correct her younger brother. And the only thing she enjoyed more than harassing her twin, was protecting him, just like Peter had always promised to do. Lexi had inherited her father's eyes and smile. She was truly beautiful.
The now, seven year old twins sat beside their mother in the back seat of their father's car. A road trip to the beach had seemed like a wonderful idea before they had left the driveway. However with the shouts of, "Are we there yet?" happening every ten seconds Peter was about to go insane. "Hey Lexi, Markie," Peter called, his eyes grinning at the sight of his nodding-off wife. "Bother your mother, instead of me? Daddy is trying to drive." Mila groaned at the sound of his words. "If I tell you a Narnian story will you two play with your dolls?" The two nodded. "Quietly?" Mila smiled as her two children pretended to zip their mouths shut with a key, they had been hanging around with their Uncle too much.
"Tell us about how you and Daddy met!" Markie begged, his hand grasping his mothers to look at her wedding ring. "No, that's icky!" Lexi shook her head, her face scrunching. "Tell us about how you defeated the White Witch!" Mila shook her head. She watched as her daughter smiled before whispering to her brother who nodded, clearly agreeing with what she had said. "Can you tell us the story of Ollie?" Lexi asked. "We like the story of our big sibling in Heaven." Mila smiled, as she pulled her two rainbow babies in close. Peter and she had decided on the name Ollie for their angel baby a while back, Oliver if they were to be a boy, and Olivia if they were to be a girl. Their little but loving Ollie.
She took a big breath as she glanced at her husband. "Long, long, long ago." Mila began. "But not so long ago." Peter butted in, his eyes on the traffic. She chuckled, "Long, long, but not so long ago, there lived a King and Queen of Old who longed to start their very own little family so they called for a stork. After days and days of waiting, a stork appeared upon one of the many balconies of Cair Paravel and awaited the pair. The Queen was overjoyed with the news that she would soon hold her very own little Royal within her arms, she couldn't wait to tell the King. She rushed along the many halls of their home to find her love as she eagerly told him of the news the baby bird had brought her. The King and Queen were overjoyed and decided to throw many balls and celebrations to welcome their soon to be little Prince or Princess. However, on one beautiful summer day, the stork returned with some saddening news. They wouldn't hold their baby in their arms just yet, as their darling baby had their very own job to do beside the Gods in Heaven. The King and Queen were saddened by this news, but they were proud of their baby and their task and pleased with the journey they had taken together so far. The King and Queen knew they would soon be reunited with their Angel Baby. Before the stork left, however, he reassured the King and Queen that they would shortly be blessed with a family, with children who would cherish their stories and their love, as well as their older angel sibling. And they were. The King and Queen still miss their angel dearly, and it saddens them every time the day of the stork's news arrives again in the new year, but they celebrate what would've been with their Prince and Princess as they love their Royal what if.
Mila quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen onto her cheeks, she caught Peter doing the same. "Mummy? Will me and Lex get to meet Ollie?" Markie asked, his eyes looking up at his mum with wonder. "Of course!" She told them, "But you two need to grow up first." Alexandra shook her head. "I don't want to grow up Mummy. I want to stay little forever!" Mila chuckled. "Growing up is wonderful Lexi. You and Markie will love it!" Peter glanced at his son from the mirror, he watched as his small eyes twitched and his brows furrowed. "What's up bud?" He called. "Daddy? Is Ollie a star? Stars watch over us during the nighttime and I'm not scared of the dark anymore because of the glow in the dark stars in my room. So Ollie must be a star because they're protecting us." Mila and Peter smiled. "Of course, Ollie is a star, darling. There's nothing more perfect than that."
Watching your children grow up is truly beautiful. It was something Mila and Peter didn't understand parents saying until they had become parents themselves. Their two little bundles of joy had grown up too fast. In fact, Mila wished they would stop growing sometimes, however, that's the wonder of life. Growing up. It was truly magical.