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Miya:hey guys
Cyclone:any dares author-Chan
Miya:yes and I will be daring and pls stop calling me author-Chan just call me Miya
Cyclone:alright Miya-Chan
Miya:*sigh* sis get the dare stuff ready with Aisyah_stern
Ashley:alright come on Aisyah_stern
Aisyah_stern :just call me chi
Ashley:ok chi
While they prepare the dare stuff me and my twin start daring the element brother and I think they are scared cause of me and my twin
Chi:were back
Miya:alright I dare all boys to wear a dress
All the boys:HECK NO!!
Miya:WHAT DID YOU GUYS SAY *eyes glow red*
Quake:n...nothing *scared*
Chi:just go wear a dress or else Miya will turn yandere or psycho mode
Solar:you think we are scared of you
Miya:*turn yandere and psycho mode*
Quake:u...uh guys Mi...Miya has turn to psycho and
Chi:yandere mode
Cyclone:al...alright Miya-Chan we wi...will wear the dress
Miya:*yander and psycho mode turn off* yay
While there wearing the dress we prepare a another dare for them and is kinda embarrassing cause thunder Shu cyclone thorn and solar need to sing I am a barbie girl while wearing make-up
Miya:done yet
Thunder:were done but...
Solar:we are not coming out
Miya:come out or else
Solar:or else what
Miya:i will use moon magic to force you out *eyes glow red and a scary cold sound*
All the boys:*gulp and coming out*
All the girls:HAHAHAHA
Quake:not funny
Chi:it is and we have a second dare
All the boys:*gulp*
Angel:*take out 40 big boxes of make-up*
Miya:we are gonna make u up
All the boys:*running away*
Angel:hey sis do you wanna catch them
Miya:of course and chi Ashley help me angel prepare the 40 boxes of make-up
Miya,Ashley and chi:*chase the boys* COME BACK HERE
Miya:moon wall
Ashley:Capture orb
Chi:hehe hey Miya Ashley ready for that spell
Ashley:heck yeah
Thorn:wh...what s...spell
Ashley:if you don't do the dare we will cast a gender bend spell this is a different type of gender bend spell
Quake:what is the difference
Miya:well this kind of gender bend spell have no reverse spell you will stay as girls forever
All the boys:nooo!!!!
Chi:so do you want to do the dare
Cyclone:yes Chi-Chan only cause we don't want to stay as girls forever
Chi:alright now let's go back to angel
While we went back to angel the boys was surprised seeing 40 boxes
All the girls:*smirk* hehe
All the boys:*gulp*
Quake:wh...what are you going to do with the boxes
Ashley:oh nothing just gonna give you boys some make-up
All the girl:hehe
All the boys:*gulp*
We attack the boys and put make-up on them and we were proud of our work
Ashley:aww don't be mad big brother you know you look cute
Miya:she is right little bro you do look cute like thorn
Shu:but I am still mad
Chi:don't be
Miya:now I have a dare for thunder Shu cyclone thorn and solar I dare you to sing I dare you to sing I am barbie girl
Shu:heck no
Thunder:Fu*k off
Quake:hey thunder language we have a child here
Cyclone:alright cause I don't want Miya-Chan to get angry
Solar:no way but I do really don't want her to use moon magic on us
Ashley:then start singing
Shu,thunder,cyclone,thorn and solar*start singing*

Chi:pft hahahahahahaha hahahaha *try to hold back laughter*
Cyclone:aww don't be mad thundy
Thunder:am not and don't call me thundy
Miya:then why are you acting you are mad
Chi:yeah thunder
Thunder:non of your business
Shu:happy now
Ashley and Angel:very
Solar:can you change us back
Miya:o...ok *still laughing*
Miya:jeez don't be mad *snap finger*
All the boys:*change back*
Chi:just go change you cloth
Miya:yeah and let's go chi
Hope you like it Aisyah_stern and make sure to comment some dare and vote if you want,bye

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