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Mia:another chapter so don't mind the quick updates

Shu:yup I dare Supra to wear a dress go to a random boy kiss that random person and then slap that person also think of it as a payback

Supra: ...I have no words for this dare

Ashley:just do it quick


Aisyah_aliya77 :here *throw super a dress*

Supra:*catch the dress*

While supra is changing

Chi:I dare Aisyah_aliya77 LunalaStarlight Zass ash and Kate to study everyday and night for two days

Ash:we are not do-

Mia:ahem *prepare 666 weapons*

Ash:o-okay *gulp*

Angel:here *throws them a book*

Five:*catch the books and study*

Supra:*come out while wearing the dress*

Shu:*jaw drop* wow

Mia:ok next dare

Supra:*going to find a random person*

Random boy:yes

Supra:*kiss that random person and slap that boy*

Random boy:ouch!!

Supra:*start running*


Supra:don't ask princess


Angel:bye and make sure to leave some dares

To be continued...

Supra pls don't kill me for that dare it's shu's dare not mine so pls forgive me

Boboiboy element sibling truth or dare and random thingsWhere stories live. Discover now