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Mia:and welcome back to another chapter of boboiboy elemental sibling truth or dare

Zass:why so late

Mia:well my mom is taking my phone back tomorrow I think and now my books are the slowest updates


Ashley:I dare Shu to be my slave

Shu:I am not being your slave

Mia:*summons combat staff* say that again

Shu:*gulp* o-okay

LunalaStarlight :I dare Zass and Supra to maybe run 2.9 kilometres

Both:we are not doing it

Mia:ahem *shows them the combat staff*

Both:o-okay we'll do it


Both:*went outside and start running 2.9 kilometres*

A few moments later


Aisyah_aliya77 :just leave them

Ash:Aisyah_aliya77 is right just leave them


Quake:err someone get the towel's quick cause they are sweating

Angel:here *throw Zass a towel*

Shu:here you go supra *throw supra a towel*

Both:thx *catch the towel*

Mia:ok so bye and make sure to leave some dares

To be continued...

Boboiboy element sibling truth or dare and random thingsWhere stories live. Discover now