
18 1 14

Shu:hello and welcome back to another chapter of elemental sibling truth or dare

Mia:be quick would ya

Cyclone:err what happened

Ash:well remember her temper broke


Ash:well she will be like thunder for a while

Elemental but thunder:ohh

Mia:WHAT.DID.YOU.SAY *summons combat staff*

Ash:*gulp* n-nothing


Ash:*whispers* see what I mean

Mia:*death glare at ash*


Ashley:*sweat drop* I dare dark and sunny-

Solar:would you stop calling me that

Ashley:I don't care

Solar:*chase Ashley* come back you

Ashley:*been chase by solar*

Both:*start making noise*

Thunder and Mia:*start getting annoyed*

Thunder:*summons thunder blade*

Mia:*summons combat staff*

Both:SHUT UP!!!

Solar and Ashley:*stop*

Mia:solar you started chase Ashley if this happened again I'll end you

Solar:what about Ashley

Mia:I won't end her she mah bff

Solar:*annoyed* why you are always lucky

Ashley:I dunno anyway I dare sunny dark and ice to dance tt

Ice:huh! Did someone say my name

Quake:yeah you have a dare you dark and solar need to dance tt

Ice:I am not dancing

Mia:*transform to her 20 tier form* say.that.again

Ice:*gulp* o-okay

Dark:*scared* is she always like this


Three:*start dancing*

Shu:what a good dancer you are *teased*

Dark:we are not dancer



Cyclone:I have a truth



Mia:let's get this over with

Cyclone:are you always happy

Mia:*shock* n-no

Quake:wait your royalty aren't you happy

Mi:happiness is doesn't come form what you are or what are you born with it's come form you heart

Everyone but Mia:ohh

Ethan:ok bye and make sure to leave some dares

To be continued...

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