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Mi:guys zass has a dare

Zass:so here's my dares

Thunder:I am not doing it

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Thunder:I am not doing it

Shu:err my boyfriend is not here

Mia:I don't know LunalaStarlight boyfriend is

Ashley:hey thunder you said you don't want to the dare right


Dark:you might wan to looks at Mia

Mia:*preparing 5565 weapons* you were saying

Thunder:*gulp*o-okay I'll do it

Mia:good boy

Supra:can someone tell me where's uncle Ice

Quake:*facepalm* ice oh ice what are we going to do about you he's sleeping

Mi:again seriously

Cyclone:relax Mia-Chan that he's hobby


Mia:*sigh* cover your ears

Everyone but Mia:*cover their ears*


Ice:AH!! What was that for

Chi and Aisyah_aliya77 :you have a dare

Ice:so what is it

Ashley:well you thunder thorn LunalaStarlight and shu need to sing "call me maybe* but sadly shu's boyfriend is not here

Shu:and we don't know LunalaStarlight boyfriend

Ice:who dares is that

Mia:Zass's dare

Ice:do it quick I want to go back to sleep

Aisyah_aliya77 :fine

Three:*start singing to their lovers*

(I hope this is the song)

Solar,cyclone and blaze:*blush*

Mia:oh someone's blushing~


Solar,cyclone and blaze:*max blush* s-shut up

Ethan:may I do the outro m'lady

Mia:*chuckle* sure

Ethan:bye and make sure to leave some dares

To be continued...

So here you go Zacky_aqilah I know Shu and LunalaStarlight are not found the dare cause I don't know luna's boyfriend and I can't bring shu's boyfriend here cause it might get confusing so I hope you enjoy it and have a nice day

Boboiboy element sibling truth or dare and random thingsWhere stories live. Discover now