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Mia:ahem we'll still running here
Ash:ops sorry
Mia:*facepalm*why I have a sister like her
Shu:time for some dares
Mia:not before me you don't
Mia:so I dare Shu give me spryzen
Shu:I am not giving you my beloved spryzen
Mia:if you say that again I tell lui to torture you
Shu:*scared* pls don't
Mia:then give me your bey
Shu:o-ok *gives spryzen* pls take care of it
Mia:I will uh where is ice
Blaze:sleeping like usual
Mia:again close your ears
Everyone but Mia:*close their ears*
Mia:mind explaining why are you sleeping *angry*
Ice:hehe about that *sweat drop*
Cyclone:don't be angry Mia-Chan
Mia:why shouldn't I be
Thunder:cause your annoying
Mia:say that again I dare ya *summons a wand and two blades*
Thunder:ne-never mind
Ashley:ok stop fighting now I dare all of you not to fight for silly stuff
Mia:guys grandma is calling we should sleep
Mia:bye and make sure to leave some dares
To be continued...

Boboiboy element sibling truth or dare and random thingsWhere stories live. Discover now