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Mia:hey guys Ashley has a truth

Shu:you already calm down

Mia:yup and that was quick

Ash:yeah anyway what's your truth Ashley



Dark:oh no *run away*

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Dark:oh no *run away*

Shu:can someone grab him

Mia:me,Ashley and thunder will do it

Thunder:why me

Ashley:cause you and Mia is the fastest

Shu:then why you need Ashley's help

Mia:cause I need her to force dark

Ethan:alright m

Mia:seriously another nickname how many you got there Ethan

Supra:probably a lot right princess~


Ash:to be honest I like that nickname

Shu:me too

Mi:*sigh* ok I admit it I like it too

Ethan:I know you like it

Mia:just shut up we need to catch dark

Ethan:alright m

Mi:hold my hand Ashley

Ashley:*hold Mia's hand*

Mia:moon speed *chase dark*

Thunder:lightning movement (if I got that correct in English if wrong tell me in the comments I'll do some changes) *chase after dark*

Dark:oh no *been surrounded by Mia Ashley and thunder*

Mia and Ashley:*surrounding by dark aura*

Ashley:you are going to tell the truth weather you like it or not

Dark:*gulp* o-okay

At the living room

Chi and Zass:about time

LunalaStarlight :yeah

Aisyah_aliya77 :so tell us

Dark:I like *whispers* solar

Ashley:we can't hear ya

Dark:I like solar


Chi:oh someone is blushing~

Solar:*blush* s-shut up


Mia:huh! Thorn thorn don't cry *comforting thorn*

Thorn:*sob* b-but he like dark

Mia:he maybe like dark but he loves you too



Solar:hey thorn

Thorn:yes solar

Solar:I'm sor-

Thorn:I forgive you

Solar:thank you *hugs thorn*

Thorn:*giggle and hug back*

Dark:hey thorn I'm sorry too

Thorn:I forgive you

Dark:thank you

Mia:anyway bye and make sure to leave some dares

To be continued...

Here you go The_Invisible_Queen I hope you like it and I know it's a little long and have a nice day everyone

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