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Mia:morning guys
Cyclone:morning Mia-Chan
Shu:still tired
Quake:how it is possible you never tired and you wake up early than us
Mia:Kate happened
Angel:let me guys yesterday you almost asleep than Kate came to your room and then she start bothering you and kicking you
Quake:do you wanna eat something
Mia:no thx
Ashley:ok I dare the elemental couple to play 7-minute in heaven
Elemental brothers:uh no
Mia:*take out to knifes* what did you say
Elemental brothers:n-nothing *scared*
Quake:lucky fang it's not here that means I don't need to do the dare
Aisyah_aliya77 :I'll call fang over
Mia and chi:what did you say
Aisyah_aliya77 :hey fang we have another dare
Fang:why this is involved me
Aisyah_aliya77 :well yeah
Fang:ok I'm coming
Back to the story
Ash:so what did he say
Aisyah_aliya77 :he's coming
Fang:I'm here
Zass:hey fang
Fang:what's the dare
Zass:the elemental couple needs to play 7-minute in heaven so Thant includes you and quake
Shu:ok so thundclone go to thunderstorm room
Thunder:why my room
Mia:cause he said so
Thundclone:fine *went to thunderstorm room*
Mia:blice go to blaze's room
Blice:*nod and went to blaze's room*
Chi:tholar go to solar's room
Tholar:*went to solar's room*
Ashley:now faKE go to quake's room
faKE:*go to quake's room*
Zass:*locks the room*
7 minutes later
Zass:*unlock the room*
Elemental couple and fang:*comes out*
Quake:we don't want to talk about it
Mia:suit your self oh yeah when you were playing 7-minute in heaven we eat ice-cream
Elemental brothers:WHAT?!?!?!?!
Cyclone:without us
Elemental brothers:*prepare weapons*
Mia:hit us I dare ya *cold voice*
Elemental brothers:*stop and scared*
Mia:*chuckle* later I will get you guys ice-cream
Elemental brothers:yay!!!
Mia:now zass Ashley wanna do the outro
Both:heck ya boys and make sure to leave some dares
To be continued...

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