
31 2 2

Mia:we are back

Ash:hey shu feeling better


Chi:when is your next torture event cause I'm ready to dig a grave for you

Shu:not funny

Mia:Ashley saids if she's in the mood


Shu:I dare Mia to turn thunder into a girl

Thunder:heck no

Mia:too late *snap finger*

Thunder:*turn into a girl*


Thunder:how long I need to stay in this body

Shu:2 month

Thunder:two month *faint*

Supra:dad you okay

Ash:you know she is a girl right

Supra:oh yeah

Angel:she will be okay

Supra:if you say so

A few moments later



Shu:you okay thund

Thunder:I'm ok

Ash:let's give you a girl name

Thunder:first the dress now names

Mia:you know your a girl so you need a girl name

Aisyah_aliya77 and LunalaStarlight :true


Mia :I have one let's call you you Lesley

Shu:seriously a mobile legend hero name

Mia:yeah have a problem with that


Mia:zass wold you pls

Zass:bye and make sure to leave some dares

To be continued...

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