Chapter 3: Thee Alice?

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"I told you she was the right Alice!"

I gripped onto Alices arm tightly
"Alice the rabbit just talked." I whispered quickly
"I'm aware." She whispered back to me equally shocked

To make the whole scene even more weirder, like I said, a group of odd characters stood before us. One was the rabbit we followed down the strange hole. A mouse dressed in purple, a needle at its side, slightly glaring at us. An older looking blue bird with an eye glass. I recognized the structure of the bird from the Kingsleigh library, it looked like a dodo bird. And lastly a pair of funny looking boys. They were kinda chubby and bald, and wore identical stripped shirts with beige overalls.

"I am not convinced." The mouse said stubbornly putting her hands on her hips.

"How is that for gratitude? I've been up there for weeks! Trailing one Alice after the next. And I was almost eaten by other animals!" The rabbit fussed "Can you imagine? They go walking about entirely unclothed, and they do their- their shookem in public!"

This caused the other beings to grimace in disgust and I let out a mad giggle causing Alice to elbow me and I grunted
"You know you and your mother need to stop doing that."

"She doesn't look anything like herself!" I let out a squeak as a large pink flower spoke beside me. I shuffled away practically pressing up against my best friend.

"That's because she's the wrong Alice!" The mouse again exclaimed.

"If she was she might be."
"If she is then she ain't."
"If she's so she would be."
"But she isn't no how."

The twins bickered backs and forth and it kinda reminded me about the twins above. However these ones I seemed to like more. I nudged Alice
"I think you should say something."

She took my advice "How can I be the wrong Alice if this is my dream?"

Everyone looked at her in confusion including myself who face palmed. How in gods name could this be a dream? It felt almost to real at this point not to mention how could Alice and I be sharing the same dream?

"And who are you I may ask?"

"Oh I'm Tweedledee and he's Tweedledum." Said one of the twins who I now had a name to.

"And I'm Tweedledum and he's Tweedledee."

I smiled amused by their attitudes.

However introductions were cut short when the dodo spoke

"We should consult Absolem."

"Exactly! Absolem will know who they are!" The pink flower agreed.

"I'll escort her." Dee said going over to Alice and taking her hand but his brother had other ideas and roughly took her other hand.

"Hey it's not your turn that's unfair!"
"Leave off!"
"Let go!"

They said dragging her along.

"Are they always like this?" I chuckled in amusement walking along behind them.

"A family trait." The rabbit groaned jumping out of the way "you can both escort her!"

However he turned to me
"My apologies, who might you be?"

This caused everyone to stop and turn to me expectantly. I slightly blushed feeling a tad shy having all these new strange eyes on me.

"My name is Andromeda but most call me Annie for short. Andromeda Bo-" my tongue caught my tongue and suddenly I couldn't get my last name out. "B-bow... Bo... Strrrr..."

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