Chapter 7: Your not alone

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It was sorta hard to cling onto the hatter, when his hands were finally bonded and we started to match. I was practically attacked flat against his chest praying I wouldn't slip. I rested my chin to look upwards at is face. I saw no emotion in it just the distant look.

Past his face was the sky that soon changed drastically as we matched on. It good darker and gloomy. That's when I started seeing red.

Well red buildings.

A large castle that couldn't even compare to the royal palace in England, reached my bison as we matched on into it. It was full of red bricks and hearts stamped on any corner that was reached.

Once we were inside I could make out fine marbles of coarse red drapery.

"Take the prisoner to the dungeons. We're gonna try and break him before presenting him to the queen." I heard the Knave order.

It wasn't a large march till suddenly I let out a small yelp muffled by the hatters clothing, as he was roughly thrown into a ceil. The cards matched away leaving us alone in the wet dark dungeon.

Hurriedly I crawled out from his shirt from his collar coming face to face with him and both of us at the same time spoke

"Are you alright?!"

I was taken aback. This mad man had risked his life for Alice and I and was now in the custody of the enemy, and he was asking if I was alright?

"What?" He caught me funny look furrowing his orange brows.

I sighed shaking my head and tapped his cheek lightly
"Nothing. Your just a very odd man."

He let a deranged laugh past his lips as he settled me in his lap, and leaned against a cold damp wall.
"What do we do now?" I muttered

"Well I presume bloody big head will try to get some information out of me."

"We're gonna try and break him"

The knaves words rang in my mind as my heart sank
"Their gonna torture you."

I could see the frown in his eyes but he no doubt kept that smile of his to try and ease my nerves.
"Don't worry love. I'm afraid you can't break something that already is broken."

I sighed patting his hand
"Well your not alone. I'm sure they'll find me eventually."

His smile vanished
"I won't let them. I'll protect you."

I let out a laugh
"Hatter I know we've only known each other for a very short time but surely you've picked up by now that I'm pretty good at handling my own."

He chuckled lightly
"You may call me Tarrant if you wish."

I tilted my head curiously
"Everyone calls you Hatter though."

"Yes but you're not everyone."

Furrowed my brows I'm confusion at this statement. What's so special about me? What do I mean to him? Nothing Annie you mean nothing. Your just going along with this weird situation you find yourself in.

"How about this. To past the time and ease the nerves. You tell me a fact about yourself. And therefore I will answer with one about me. Fair?"

The hatter smiled
"I do love a good game."


And that's how it went well into the late night. We would tell each other about ourselves. Our lives. We'd laugh occasionally. And we'd share stories. It definitely eased the tension and I noticed some of the other no so lucky prisoners around us would listen in once in a while, till we were the only ones awake. The moons beam shined into our ceil from the small window.
And Tarrant took note of how I basked in it.

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