Chapter 18: the chosen one

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Thank you all for being so supportive of the decision in making Andromeda pansexual. I want to bring to the attention that just cause your pan, bi or whatever you choose to go by, doesn't make you any less of who you are because you choose to date someone opposite of your gender.
I myself am pansexual transgender, and I've gotten a lot of judgement or questioning of who I am based on my relationships. I am in an extremely happy relationship with a girl, and I identify as he/him. That doesn't make me straight, gay or anything else but still pansexual, because that's what I am.

My characters fanfic or not, will be fluid in sexuality and gender, because we need to see more of that in writing :)

Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far!


*dream world*

I was dressed in my mothers signature armor and warriors outfit. Well I guess technically it was mine now. All I saw was fire and smoke. I heard the screams of people but I couldn't see them through the destruction.

My face was caked with dirt and blood and I couldn't tell if it was my own or someone else's. My bow was also stained red no long the silver I had come to know.

I was breathing heavily shouting for anyone to come and save me.

"Help! Alice! Mirana!" I was having an anxiety attack "Mrs. Kingsley!! Mom!!"

Finally one name was louder then all of them and my voice practically went hoarse by how loud I screamed his name.


Suddenly a body lunged at me and it was the knave cackling madly swinging his sword at me. I was shooting arrows blindly but even the ones I did land went straight through him as if I just couldn't touch him.

But he certainly was able to ram the end of his sword right through my chest. I gasped coughing up blood, has he lifted me high in the arm looking up cackling, his one good eye going black like a demon.

Was this it? Was this how I die? At the hands of a criminal? Alone?


I couldn't breath


I was fading

"Annie wake up!"

*end of dream*

I woke up with a start knocking heads with a figure hovering over me. He yelped falling on his back and I groaned rubbing my head. I looked up to see Tarrant laughing and doing the same to his.

"Oh my gosh Tarrant I'm so sorry!" I shrilled coming over to check his head. He pushed me away laughing still.

"I don't think you could of broken it anymore then it already is love." He laughed causing me to giggle

"Sorry I had a nightmare."

Tarrant frowned for a moment but it didn't stay long before he handed me a saucer with a cup of tea and two biscuits on it.

"Well tea chases away nightmares you know?"

I smirked
"Oh really? Is this the strawberry tea?"

"Made by yours truly."

I took a sip sighing in content.

"I see your a morning person." I teased "It looks like the sun is just rising." I looked out towards the open balcony at the sky which was a mix of yellows and oranges.

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