Chapter 9: The mother star

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My eyes snapped open and I gasped being greeted by billions of stars and colors and galaxies before me. I was floating, my hair untangled from its braids, my dress fluttering in the zero gravity. I couldn't tell if I was upside down, right side up, or sideways. My eyes were wide and I felt a warm feeling of safety flutter in my chest.


That voice called my name, and I looked around expecting someone but I was alone
"Who are you?!" I called out my voice echoing back at me.

There wasn't an answer. Or so I thought when suddenly everything dimmed slightly causing only two stars to shine the brightest.

Cassiopeia. And Andromeda.

Mother and Daughter.

"Mom." I whispered


I whipped around to finally see... her. She wasn't like before. Her hair was longer and she wore a white dress. She was practically glowing her gently smile reaching her eyes that matched mine. A golden crescent moon on its side, adored her forehead. My heart was hammering in my chest


She floated over to me and gentle rested a hand on my chest. Whipping a tear away that I didn't even know was there.

"You've grown into a beautiful young lady Andromeda."

I rested my hand on top of hers
"Mom what... what's happening. I'm so confused."

Her face grew serious
"My love, you are about to come to terms to who you really are and who you are meant to be. It'll be scary at first. But I will be here to guide you till the end of this path."

"But who am I? What do you mean?"

She chuckled warmly
"Your curiosity has never ceased."

She leaned down and kissed my forehead

"You will see."

I woke with a start yelling as I almost fell backwards off the bench. Tarrant quickly grabbed me round the waist and pulled me back up
"Goodness clumsy are we?"

I was breathing heavily, a million questions running through my brain.

"Annie?" Tarrant questioned softly resting a gentle hand on my shoulder

I looked at him deep in his vibrant green eyes and demanded

"Tell me about the Lunar Princess."

He looked taken a back by this demand and opened and closed his mouth not knowing what to really say. Till finally he said

"Why... why do you wish to know?"

I took his hand and intertwined it with his. I felt a flutter in my stomach and beat rise to my cheeks and I didn't miss his bliss as well. Putting it aside begging with my eyes


He hesitated for a moment before speaking

"It's not a happy story." He sighed "But if it's important to you I'll tell you. She was the youngest of the royal family..."

I scooted closer to him almost picturing it all in my mind

"She was born very very sick and frail. The king and queen tried very method of medicine. And even resorted to magic. But nothing they did healed the youngest princess.
However a mighty being. Goddess of the moon. Had been watching the young princess ever since she was born on a full moon. And took pity on the king and queen. She healed the child, but didn't just stop there. Gave her amazing strength and the mastery of magic."

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