Chapter 11: The Lonley Bow

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Andromeda's POV

Alice has ran out of the room before any knight could catch her, and soon after that Tarrant and I were chained up once more and were led to a room to set up our stuff to present to the queen.
I was very picky as the red knights helped rolled the dresses on their stands, terrified they'd up up ruining them.

"Woah woah woah watch that wall! I swear I may be chained but no one will stop me from strangling you if you ruin my work!" I hollered

Tarrant was chuckling at me and I blushed a bit as he looked at me amused.

Suddenly the knave grabbed my arm just as we were about to enter the room.

"Pardon me miss but the queen requests your presence before you present your work to her."

I raised a brow and my heart beater nervously

"Why me?"

He had a smirk sensing my nerves
"I'm sure that's something the queen will discuss with you. Don't worry your partner here can help set up the rest of you dresses."

"She's not going with you, you rotten-"

"Hatter." I said gently facing him and resting my hands on his shoulders

"It's alright. I'll be back before you know it."

His eyes soften but I could still see his worry. He nodded muttering an
"Alright." Before squeezing my hands and allowing me to turn around and follow the dark knight.

I wanted to say I was surprised by the sudden request however deep down I knew it was expected. If the truth I was currently denying in my head was true, then I knew the red queen was more then interested in dresses when it came to the subject of me.

Do not fear her Andromeda, but that doesn't mean you should trust her. Please be careful.

Ok mysterious voice in my head that sounds like my dead mother.

I'm going crazier the longer I stay in this world aren't I?

We walked outside to a court yard with large hedges, short cut green grass, and of coarse tons of bushes of red roses.

Her back was turned to me, she seemed to be gazing at something on a pedestal in the middle of the garden.

"Go on then her majesty doesn't like to be kept waiting."

He nodded silently and walked towards the women, as the knave walked away leaving us alone.

I knew she sensed my presence however didn't make it known or even acknowledge me as I hesitantly walked beside her and got to see what she was looking at.

It was a silver bow but not like any bow I had ever seen. It was almost like a sculpture, silver vines crafted to wrap around and stick out. My fingers got a weird tingle in them and I rubbed them against my leg trying to numb the feeling.

"You wanted to see me your majesty." I finally said hesitantly

She turned to me with a harden gaze

"I never met or seen anyone like you here in Underland Andromeda." She said gruffly

I nodded keeping my composure
"Not many people do. I'm new here."

"What do you mean by that?" She questioned stepping closer to me. I felt uncomfortable in this  situation as if being interrogated

"I um..." I fumbled before saying "I come from a place where I am not nearly as appreciated. People laugh at me. How I dress. How I act..."

Her eyes soften
"That's where we have a great similarity."

She turned to the bow
"This was my sisters bow. She was the best archer of not in the world, in all of Underland. With just a flex of her hand." She flexed hers for emphasis "the bow would shoot into her hand and always find her no matter where she was. And pull a magic arrow out of thin air so she would never run out. I keep it out here so the moon is always shinning on it."

I nodded
"I am very sorry for your lost."

She turned to me growing angry
"She did it to herself the fool. Falling in love with one of my sisters knights. Running of with her child to who knows where instead of choosing to come with me. I would of let her rule by my side and raised her child with her. She would of had everything she wanted."

I felt a small pit of angry bloom in me

Easy Annie

The voice whispered. However I couldn't hold my tongue

"Choosing love over power isn't foolish." I spat

Her head snapped to me in shock
"Did you just talk back to me?!" She shouted

However I stood my ground
"The lunar princess. She decided the love of her child over the power you would of given her. She ran away from everything. Her family. Her friends. Her own husband. Because she knew it was the only way to ensure her child would live the right way."

The queens face grew red at my words and I flinched as she roughly slapped me across the face. I gasp not expecting it and also from the shock of pain that went through me, as another bruise was landed on top of the previous one.

"I will have your head the next time you dare speak to me like that again." She snarled

I looked up sucking in a breath and growled back
"You speak about cutting off heads all the time makes me wonder if you saw the lunar princess again that you'd cut off her head too despite what you say."

She leaned in close and before stomping away
"Without hesitation."

I watched her leave for a few moments before turning back to the bow.
I ran my fingers over the beautiful finishing and felt a strange pulse in me and the tingle return to my finger tips. I closed my eyes losing myself in the feeling. It was strange and unfamiliar.

Or perhaps it was and I just never felt it as strong as I had now.

Pick it up

The voice cooed. And I almost did what it said when suddenly

"Seamstress! I don't have all day! Show me my new line of dresses now if you wish to make anymore in your lifetime!"

I sighed letting my hand fall.

I glanced up at the sky seeing the moon start to rise and it's glow start to shine down on this lonely bow.

"Who am I? What am I? Why can't you just tell me..."

There wasn't a reply so I sighed turning around and walking towards the castle once more.

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