Random Bystander

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I leave the class. Perrie and I compared schedules and I don’t have the next few classes with her.

I had planned on talking to Zayn, but he wasn’t outside the classroom like he said. It seemed like he had disappeared completely, but judging by the conversations I had with Perrie, disappearing at the right time was kind of his thing. 

Unfortunately, Niall and I didn’t have the next class together either. So I was left alone to find my next class. The campus was way too big compared to my old school.

I keep wandering around the halls, figuring I’d find the right room eventually. Soon enough the bell rings.

“Crap. Late on my first day.” I say to myself and continue walking down the halls, not bothering to speed up my pace.

“Excuse me, but you have to be in class. I’m gonna have to give you a detention slip.” I hear someone say from behind me. I sigh. Detention again?

 I turn around and see a tall, handsome lad standing behind me. He had chocolate eyes and a clean shaven face. How on earth are there so many good-looking people in England?

“I didn’t know that schools’ actually had hall monitors.” I say, even though the thought was supposed to stay in my head.

“They do. I really have to give you a detention slip, sorry. What class are you supposed to be in? What’s your name? Sorry, you don’t look familiar.” He says reaching into his pocket and pulling out a journal full of slips that said detention on them.

 “I’m kind of still looking for my class. New student.” I stammer out. 

“But I’m…I’m not supposed to let you…I have to give you a…Ok fine. I’ll help you find your class. I’m Liam, just so you know.” He says.

“Oh. I’m Amber. My next class is Calculus. Mrs. Briggens?” I pronounce out.

“Briggans.” Liam corrects. “Your kind of going the wrong direction.”

“Thank you.” I say. I begin walking down the hallway and realize that Liam had personally decided to come with me. It was nice of him to make sure that I got to the right room. Or maybe he just wanted to make sure I was trying to skip class. Ok, I guess it depends on who he is. I’ll figure that out eventually.

We stop in front of a random classroom. “Right here. Good luck on finding your next classes. You never know we might have some together.”

I smile at him. It was definitely just to make sure I got to the right class. He was so sweet. “Thank you again, Liam.”

“Anytime Amber.” He says heading back down the hall.

I open the door and see two familiar faces. Taylor and Harry. Thank God.

“HEY AMBER! IT’S YOUR FRIEND TAYLOR FROM SCHOOL!” Taylor screams automatically. Harry stares at her quizzically with an amused look on his face. “AND IT’S THAT RANDOM BYSTANDER NAMED HARRY!!” she adds pointing her finger at Harry. He laughs, displaying some serious dimples when he does.

Everyone in the class stares at her like she’s nuts. She notices the stares and turns back to me. “AMBER!” she whisper screams at me.

“YEAH?” I whisper scream back.



She shakes her head and laughs. The person who was sitting by her stands up and moves to the opposite side of the class.

“I FOUND SOMEWHERE FOR YOU TO SIT!” Taylor yells pointing to the now empty desk.

I laugh and slip into the desk.

Harry looks over to Taylor. “Random bystander?” He asks.

Taylor and I both fall into non-stop hysterics.

“I….I don’t understand what’s happening right now.” Harry says seriously. That only makes us laugh harder.

Taylor falls out of her desk laughing. That makes Harry laugh, but nowhere near as hard as we were already.

“It…..hurts…..so….bad!” I struggle out, as my sides ache and I honestly feel like I was about to throw up all over the place.

This goes on for like 10 minutes when we finally calm down some, slightly. I look up and see the teacher standing at the front of the room, staring at Taylor and me.

“Um, well.” She says. “This is already an interesting class.” But she wasn’t agitated. She was actually smiling.

“Well,” Harry says. “The one that’s laughing so hard that no sound is coming out and is clapping like a retarded seal is Amber and the one rolling around on the ground screeching like a bat is Taylor.”

We laugh harder.

•Coming Soon• That Bradford Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now