Chapter one A angel in devils Land

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Zack:I woke up early in the morning to the sounds of loud noises like always,screaming and arguments where the basis of every morning that I gotten used to.I went to the shower with my speaker and put music on as loud as it had to be to cover up the noise from downstairs and make me forget about it while I took a shower,after I was done I choose my best attired of just what I had in hand and got ready for my first day back in school after summer break.10 grade another year another routine to fill.It had being the same for the last 4 years since I started to live through my adolescence and the problems with James started happening ,who is James you might ask?well James Tobares  Hernandez is my father,I don't refer to him as father anymore since he had lost that privilege years ago but yes James is a pure Cuban loud,prideful and most importantly fucking loud.My relationship with my father had gone to shit after I was old enough to in his words "Have my rebel era come out"I went downstairs to eat my breakfast and like always something had to come up......
James:O look who it is Zack Ernesto Hernandez waking up late as always!
Zack:Screw u what do u care your screams woke me up as usual which at this point is not a surprise .I took my bowl of cereal and sat on the table to eat my breakfast as I checked my phone for the time.
James:When are u gonna take life seriously,when are u gonna grow up.And that's why made me loose it what made me every single day argue with him over the smallest of inconvenience.
Zack:Your one to talk father of the year
I took my backpack and left my breakfast half done
Zack:I'm to tired to argue with u so cut the shit I'm leaving for school. I slammed the door and got into my 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse I had saved for and bought a year ago  and drove to school.After driving for 30 minuet in awful traffic of Houston Texas I finally got to school Lakeside high-school.......
After finish middle school where I had met a lot of good friends my mother decide to to enroll me in a advance high school or that's what the flyer said  in reality it was just another shit hole filled with prep boys,over confident assholes in the jocks and your overachievers,I am a mix of these last two but unlike the jocks I was a little more conservative,u can say I was more on the lone shark type deal .I played in the football team but rather then hanging with the jocks I would hang out by my self by a near side tree and sense I looked like a total asshole nobody really bother me most of the times.I enter the the school and went to get my classes in my home room which did not change in terms of students I mostly knew all them but I did not dare to talk to them.I was mostly quite,I would usually listen to music or draw anything that will keep me from socializing the closest anyone would know me as was my talent so call.I love music it's my way out of life,it distracts me from cutting myself or hanging from my closet it gives me life and writing and singing are my passion and hidden talents that rest in my man cave called room.I walked to my first class which was English and sat down in the very back of the back cause that was the best way to not be noticed much and I could be left alone,as I sat down I notice everyone that was coming into the classroom,knew the majority of them maybe some one or two new faces but one in particular peek my interest...a face that I did not recognized god I had no idea what I had gotten myself into with her.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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