CHAPTER 11: What to do

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TIME SKIP: Dismissal


Finally after a long day, it's time to go home. As usual Seulgi already left and as much as I want to ask why I don't want to interfere with whatever she is going through if she doesn't want to tell me.

I pick up my things from the desk and placed it in my bag, after fixing my stuffs I closed my bag and put it in my back, I stared at Jimin who seemed to be moving a little slow today, I went to him and tap his shoulder

"Hey are you okay?" I asked and he looked at me

"Yeah, yeah I am" he said but as much as I want to believe it I can't

"Are you sure?" I asked again and he nods

"Okay, if you say so but we must head on now, come on" I said and he pick up his bag slung it on his back then looked at me

"Let's go" he said and I nod

We walked our way to the mall and entered a boutique; I faced Jimin before explaining him why we were here

"Seulgi likes chic clothes and I suggest we should buy her some, are you up for it? Cause if not we can still find some other gifts" I said because it's pretty expensive here

"Its fine, come on help me choose some" he said before roaming around

"Okay, if you say so" I said before walking behind him

He let me choose the clothes and pick one from the things I've showed him, in the end he ended up buying two sets of clothes and I just let him be, even though I'll told him that clothes here are expensive he'll keep insisting them anyway.

So after going to a boutique I asked him what else does he thing Seulgi likes, he answered watch and he was not wrong though.

That's why we head on the accessories area and there we search for the best watch he can give to Seulgi

I showed him a silver watch and he showed me a gold one

We placed them together and looked at which one will suit her

"What d you think?" he asked and I heave a sigh before thinking through it, I've never heard Seulgi told me she likes gold, and even silver

"I've never recalled her telling me she likes silver or gold, but all I knew is she likes matching things with what she wear, and since we buy chic clothes I suggest we get the silver one" I explained before agreeing to what I said, I felt so proud

But even though I explained a lot, the boy beside me is not paying attention nor listening, is he serious?

"Hey Jimin" I called out but no response

"Earth to Jimin, Hey!" I said with matching loud claps

"Wh-what?" he said before looking at me but I just raised an eyebrow

"Which one did I told you to buy?" I asked and she looked at the watches before averting his gaze to me

"Gold?" he said and I face palmed

"You really are not listening are you?" I asked and he sighed

"Sorry, you meant the silver don't you?" he said and I nod

"Alright let's buy the silver" he said and just like that he purchase the silver watch

We walked out of the accessories area, and roamed around the mall, but we haven't reached that far when I asked him,

"Are you okay?" I asked no response

"That's it, this guy is out of his mind" I said before flicking his forehead

"Ouch" he said before looking at me with a shock and confused look

"Listen up, what's wrong with you? You've been spacing out since after lunch, tell me what's wrong" I said trying to urge him to tell me what's wrong

"Hyejin-ah" he called out and I paid my full attention to him

"Yes?" I asked

"What to do, to confess?" he asked and it took me second to process what he said

"What?" this time it was my turn to space out

"I mean, I've been wondering when should I confess, but I've never felt this urge to confess to her, it felt like something is going to happen and that I need to confess to her already" he explained and finally everything sink in

"Let's discuss this somewhere" I said before dragging him to the food court, I let him seat in front of me as I placed the shopping bags beside me

"So you wanted to confess to Seulgi already?" I asked him and he nods

"Are you sure?" I asked and he nods

"Alright, if that's the case I'll help you, but promise me one thing" I said and he looked at me waiting for whatever favor I have to ask

"If it happened that you two ended up together, which I am sure will happen, treat my best friend right, wait scratch that treat our best friend right, okay?" I asked and he nodded like a kid

"You are my friend now, but she is my best friend I won't hesitate to throw you on the dumpsters if you do so" I warned and he smiled

"Aye captain!" he said before smiling

"You are going to help me, no more taking that back" he said and I nodded

"Thank you so much Hyejin-ah!" he said and just like that his blank face turned into a happy one

"I'll wish you two the best already" I said and he smiled

"I felt nervous" he said but I shook my head

"Don't be" I told him and he nod

"I'll try" he said

"Well what are we waiting for, today we are done, let's go home" I said before standing up

"Okay" he said before helping me with the shopping bags

I gave him what I was holding once we were outside the mall already and we parted ways, he asked me if he can take me home but as usual I told him that's it's fine and that he should head home himself too.

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