CHAPTER 31: Who is that?

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While Hyejin and Jimin are walking together in front of me Sungwoon and my boyfriend, something caught my eye which also caught Hyejin's

"Sehun oppa!" she yelled and that guy looked at her with a smile on his face.

Now this is new. Like me the three guys with me are also confused and shocked by the term 'oppa', Hyejin doesn't have any brother and if ever she have cousins she said she was not close to them apart from one who was in a faraway place which I don't know if it's a boy or girl, but even so I am sure that's not her boyfriend right?

Thought it couldn't get worst, Hyejin hug the Sehun guy and I gasp. Now this is totally new, I looked at Jimin and he was observing them to with that obvious sad and disappointed face.

They talk for a while before Hyejin face our way, pointing at us one by one. I think she was introducing us to him.

After that Hyejin was about to go here but then the Sehun guy pulled her by the hands and whisper something to her, I looked at Jimin away and I caught him looking in a different direction, I am sure he is jealous and hurt already.

Once the guy let go of Hyejin, she went to us and told Jimin that he can't send her home because she was going somewhere; my poor friend just smiled at her and let her go. What's worse is that after Hyejin went back to the guy they linked arms with each other and is that a normal thing for just friends?

I mean if the guy is gay, or if they had a relationship, sure.

But Hyejin? Has a boyfriend and I don't know? That's impossible, Hyejin is a very honest girl especially to her friends, and she can't hide secrets from me. Besides, she is the one who believes in best friends don't hide secret from each other. She will tell me if that is her lover.

I look to Taemin to ask if he happen to know the guy but he was busy in his thoughts too, I guess he was confused too.

I look over to Jimin and he was looking down, he looks so sad and disappointed with a mix of jealousy that is very evident on his eyes. I want to go to him and comfort him but me myself don't know the answers too. I know that all of us here has the same questions but can't be answered.

Only Hyejin knew the answer to this, but if I asked her maybe I'll happen to interfere with her privacy.

Jimin Is my best friend and he needs answers but Hyejin is also my best friend who holds the answers

What should I do to the two of them now?

One is sad and one is distracted

One is alone while one is with someone else

One is jealous while one has no idea

One has feelings but I don't know if one feels the same

Will they be fine..................?


I went next to Seulgi and nudge her arms, she looked at me

"Why?" she asked

"Do you know who's that guy?" I asked and she shook her head

"How am I suppose to know?" she asked

"Cause you her best friend and of course she'll tell you" I said and she sighed

"That's the thing, she hasn't told me anything at all, so I don't know what to say" she replied

"I am so concerned about Jimin actually" I said and she nodded

"Me too, I want to comfort him but I can't, because even I don't know the answers to the questions only Hyejin can answer" she said and to be honest that was deep, I looked at her nodding

"Deep right?" she asked and I nod even more

"You got some wit girl" I said and she smiled

"Well that aside, I hope we got the answers" she said

"Well we can just go ask Hyejin right?" I asked but she shook her head

"We can't just go around asking her, we might interfere her privacy and it's not a good idea, I suggest we wait for her to tell us" she said and I sighed

"Well I wish we got the answer as fast as possible, before that guy cry" I said pointing at Jimin who can't hear us even she's just in front us

"He just shut the whole world out" I added

"Maybe he's lost in thoughts like this guy here" Seulgi said before pointing at Taemin

I snap my fingers at him and we got his attention

"Why are you lost in thoughts oppa?" Seulgi asked

"It's just that...." He started and we listened carefully

"I know the guy" he said and we gasp

"You do" we asked and he nods

"I know him, but I don't know his connections to Hyejin, it just got me thinking on why he was here" he added and we were confused

"What do you mean?" I asked

"He is suppose to be studying somewhere else, but now he is here" he said but I don't get it

"Can you just get to the point hyung?" I asked and he sighed

"He won a scholarship at one of the prestigious university in America and I believe he studied there, but what's surprising is his here, I think Hyejin Is really special to him" Taemin hyung explained and I am taken a back

"Should we glue this pieces together or wait for more?" I asked and Seulgi shrugs

"I think we should wait, it's not good to jump into some conclusion without the full stories" Seulgi said and we just nodded

"For now, let's head home first and take a rest and think about this things tomorrow" Seulgi added before holding Taemin hyung's hand, okay I am not going to third wheel here.

I move to Jimin's side and walk beside him even if he didn't noticed me, he did shut the world out...

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