CHAPTER 33: Are they together?

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(Complete set of point of view for our short term guest Sehun, yahoo)

Once Hyejin left me I already knew something was up, I looked up to where she was going and who was supposed to be this 'Sehun oppa'.

He was tall, looks manly, really handsome and Hyejin looks happy around him. I think I already loss just by looking at the two of them smiling and talking to each other.

I felt even more broke when she pulled him into a hug, I mean why would she pull him into a hug when 'he' can do it right, it felt like I was being stabbed in the heart a million times already, Hyejin looked back at us and pointed one by one, I think she's trying to introduce us to him, without actually telling us who that guy is.

Once Hyejin was about to go back to us, the Sehun guy pulled her by the hand and whispered something to her, I heard Seulgi gasp and I looked away. This is too much for me to handle. It really hurts me times three of what I felt earlier.

I felt like someone is staring at me, and I know it was the three who was behind me. But I didn't bother paying attention to them, I just felt numb.

Once Sehun let Hyejin go, she went to me and said I can't bring her home because she'll be going somewhere else. Now something is really up, where are they going? Why can't she just decline him? Why can't they just go out tomorrow? Why today?

But even if I've asked myself too many questions, I ended up saying one answer. I let her go with him, why?

Cause she don't know what I feel

Cause I don't have rights to stop her because I am jealous

Cause she isn't mine

Cause I don't know if she feel the same

Cause maybe they are together

Cause maybe she just think of me as a friend

Cause maybe if I stop her she'll recognize my feelings

Cause maybe, in a blink of an eye I can't reach out to her anymore.

I do have plenty of reason to make her stay, but the reason to let her go outnumbered those reasons. I know I can make her stay, but doing that might convey something I'm not yet ready to tell.

After I smiled at her she went back to that guy and linked arms with him, they look lovely and happy I envy them. I mean who won't wish to replace that person who might have a relationship with the person you like, right?

Just like me I am sure the three in the back are confused and shock by what we just witnessed, but aside from that I sensed pity, worry and sadness from them.

I was looking down right now and might look like I was lost in my own world and thoughts but I am not, I was just staring at the ground and was fully aware of what was happening around. I won't talk nor reply to them but I can hear them talking.

I sense pity from Seulgi

I sense worry from Sungwoon

And I sense sadness from Taemin hyung

I can hear and know it from how Seulgi talk about some idea concerning my feelings, she keep opposing ideas that are negative, and will suggest something positive. I even heard her gave something witty but that makes me remember Hyejin again resulting me to remember the scene a while ago.

Meanwhile Sungwoon just keep on asking who the guy we saw just moments ago, sadly no one knew to that answers. I don't even need to guess if Sungwoon is worried cause he told it himself. He even said that I might cry any second, which is not wrong.

Then Taemin hyung, I sensed sadness from him just by listening to the tone of his voice, he stated that the boy earlier was his best friend from the past and even mentioned that, that guy never told Hyejin to him so it was impossible that they are relatives.

After their conversation, I knew Sungwoon move to my side but pretended that I shut the world out and that I can't hear anything, but indeed I heard him say that I did shut the whole world out.

See, I heard everything.

I know what was happening.

I am aware of my surroundings.

But I don't know the answers to my questions...

I can hear what their topic is, and that topic is me and Hyejin

I know what was happening because I can sense it and feel it

I know what was happening to my surrounding cause I know who was close and not, I know where I step and where to trip, I can walk on my own properly and not harm myself

But I am clueless on who that guy is, he is Taemin hyung's friend but that didn't help me at all. I was still confused on what is his connection to the person I like.

The only answer to the question running in my head is Hyejin. She is the only one who holds the answer to this puzzle that no one can solve but her.

She is the one to complete the pieces, like how she completed my life even before it can breaks.

With a heavy heart, I continued to walk with Seulgi and Taemin, since Sungwoon have to part ways with us

I can hear the two of them talk about their concerns, especially what if Sehun recognize Taemin hyung and the cover might be a failed one. Honestly I can't thank this two well enough. They cover for me, they can just leave me walking alone but no, my problem is also their problem, and they still watch over me even they can just go and watch over each other.

The two of them are a well match made by heaven, I just wished that all was destined to match with the person they like, cause no it's getting harder for me.... 

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