Hello Mother

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I eventually resurface. There's a throbbing pain at the back of my head. My hand rises to feel it, there's bandages there.
I'm in a building, some factionless people stand around talking, ignoring me. That's fine with me, I don't like attracting attention.
I look around before my eyes settle on a slightly familiar figure.
Deep, brown eyes.
Hooked nose.
"E-Evelyn?" I croak.
"That is my name." She smiles, warmly. "And you are...?"
"Gabriella." Suddenly a light bulb flashes in my mind. "You're... You're my mother."
She looks alarmed. She probably thinks I'm nuts. "What do you mean?"
"My mom..." I start to explain. "Well, she's not my mom, but she told me... She told me that you gave birth to a baby girl, me. You thought I was dead. I was taken in... Do you remember me?"
She probably doesn't.
A look of recognition shines over her face. "Oh, yes. So, are you really..."
"I'm your daughter." I weakly grin.
She slowly wraps her arms around my waist. I awkwardly hug her back.
"I'm so sorry I left you. I just... You didn't look or feel alive." Her voice breaks a little.
"It's okay." I take a deep breath. "Wow, this is crazy. Yeah. Can I call you Mom?"
She pulls back and smiles. Her smile is beautiful. "Of course, sweetie."
She puts a hand on my cheek. It's slightly calloused. I put my own hand over it.
"Were you..." I begin to ask. "Always factionless?"
"No, I was an Abnegation transfer from Erudite." Mom replies.
"Did you get kicked out from Abnegation?"
"I left."
She sighs. "Well, I had an affair. Your father wanted to exile me. I didn't want to face the humiliation of a public exile so I faked a pregnancy and death and left. But they didn't know... I didn't know at first... I was pregnant for real. Not with the man I had an affair with, but your father."
"Where is my father?"
She shudders as I mention him. Why?
"Still in Abnegation."
"Could we... Could we go see-"
"No." Mom cuts me off. "We are not seeing that man."
"Okay..." Why is she acting so weird all of a sudden? "Do I have any other family?"
Mom nods and smiles. "You have a brother. Tobias Eaton. I loved him so much. I regret leaving him, I want to build a relationship with him again, but..." Her eyes water. "I think he hates me."
"You're his mom." I assure. "He loves you."
Stop being so cheesy and loving and kind, Gabby, you don't know for sure!
She wipes her face with her free hand, her other hand still on my cheek.
"Anyway," I continue. "Is my brother in Abnegation too?"
"No, he transferred to Dauntless 8 years ago." I'm surprised Evelyn is not tired of my questions. I can't help being curious.
I really want to see my brother. I haven't even known about his existence for five minutes, but I need to see him. Suddenly a plan unravels in my head.
One that could break a few rules.
One that could get me into serious trouble.
I doubt it could kill me, but... Could I do it? Pull it off?
Not only would I be seeing my brother, but I'd get to experience living in a faction, in Dauntless.
I've been fascinated with the Dauntless ever since I was little. They were so free, brave, fun. It was fair to say that the Dauntless were indeed dauntless. Plus I heard rumours that they had the most amazing cake. I had to go.
"What is it honey?" Evelyn notices me staring off into the distance, thinking hard.
"Nothing." I look back at her. "Say, do you know when Choosing Day is?"
"It's in around..." She tries to calculate. There is a very pregnant pause. "A month."
"Cool." Indeed. It gives me some time to prepare, to think this out. "Thanks."
I pull her into my arms and hug her again.
"I love you, Mom." I whisper.

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