New Friends

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We walk through a dark tunnel, Four and Six leading the way. I still feel disappointed, that he's not my brother...

or maybe it's just a nickname.

You really are stupid, Gabby. Did you not consider that?

The two little Erudite brats are still glaring at me, occasionally whispering rude remarks about me. Their little Abnegation friend, who I still feel sorry for, refused to jump, so she's factionless now.

At least they have one less lackey now.

That's if you even count her, small and shrimpy and mute, as a lackey.

We approach a big stone cave, filled with shops and people. There is a river underneath us too. You could hear it from miles away, the noise it makes as the waves crash against the walls.

"This is the Pit." Six says, proudly.

"Hopefully doesn't stink as much as Gabby's pits." The Erudite crybaby, whom I found out earlier is called Jessica, hisses to her friend, who's name is Rachel. They burst into a fit of giggles.

"Would you like to share your hilarious joke with the rest of the initiates?" Six snaps again.

Jessica and Rachel shake their heads.

"Then please shut up while your instructors are talking." Six concludes.

Then, after a lecture about the pit and the chasm, we walk into our dorm.

"You will be sleeping here during initiation." Four informs. "Both boys and girls."

The rest of the initiates groan, but I'm busy staring at the beds. Beds. Proper beds. Beds with warm blankets and soft pillows and plush mattreses.

And showers. Showers with hot, boiling water.

Oh god. This may be hell for the rest of the initiates but I'm in heaven.

"We'll leave you to get changed." Six says, and her and Four walk out the room. They nudge elbows and laugh, and as they leave they share a short kiss.

They are so cute, I smile to myself.

"And you can take a shower, dirtbag." Jessica sneers at me.

I curse at her under my breath, but I go to take a shower anyway.

Oh god, I think as the water hits my neck and trickles down my back. This is pure bliss. Oh, lord, I just want to stay in here forever.

I bite my lip to stop myself from groaning with delight.

Then, once I'm done, I get changed into fresh, new Dauntless clothes, and chuck my dirty old Candor clothes into the furnance. Then, we all burst into the dining hall.

Sound that I can only identify as music plays loudly. I've never heard music. It's quite good, actually. I sit at a table with the transfers and look at the buffet before me.

I don't even know what all this stuff is. All we had in the factionless was canned soup. There was much more here. Circle pieces of meat, mashed up white stuff that I think is potato, bowls of red sauce, muffins, and the cake I so wanted to try.

Then, all of a sudden, an unknown, very warm liquid spills over me. It burns through my clothes onto my skin. I manage to keep myself from screaming.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

I turn to face the first jumper, the chubby Amity girl. She sits with a shocked expression in her face. She looks between me and the cup lying on the floor, smashed into pieces. She obviously dropped it and the liquid inside spilled onto me.

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