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It's the day of the Choosing Ceremony.

Remember, if you're caught, you're probably going to die. I tell myself.

I have to do this, to calm the curiosity monster that is eating away at my stomach.

I have to join Dauntless. I have to see my brother. I have to be part of the faction I've always dreamed of living in. I remember when I was little, jumping about and wearing black, pretending to be the bravest Dauntless this city had ever seen. I was brave, and still am, so I'm sure I'll be fine at Dauntless.

I wear black and white. I need to pretend I've transferred from Candor. I would also fit into Candor, because I do have a loud mouth.

I also fit into Abnegation, as I am quite selfless, giving things to the fellow factionless. I'm quite Amity, some Amity-Factionless people comment. I'm also rather smart, my mother says.

Perhaps I fit into all, then.

I slip out the door of my 'mother's house. I still live with her. I just can't leave her. But I go and visit Evelyn, my real mom, frequently.

I quietly jog towards the Hub. There is a faint wind, but not like the one that reunited me with my mom. It's quite stranded - but it always is, at this time on a Choosing Cermony day. Most of the city will be in the Hub, watching youngsters make their choice, maybe betray their old factions.

Will I be betraying my 'mother' by leaving her? I mean, she is my carer but I am the one who took care of her. She is weak, frail, can't really stand or walk. She gets ill a lot. I get our food, our clothes. It's like I'm the mom.

I press my back on the wall of the Hub. I peek my head around the corner. I see the doors open, a black blur leaking out. The Dauntless.

I run towards them. They don't notice me, the stray from nowhere. I manage to blend in, and it's like I was running there with them all along. We climb up platforms. I'm not finding this scary. This is fun.

We get up onto a big platform. There is a train track infront of me. Ah, the train.

As I think that, I hear a whooshing noise, and the train comes speeding towards us.

It's quite fast.

We have to jump on.

Come on Gabriella, this isn't scary.

But it's going really fast... I might not make it.

Of course you will make it, Gabriella.

That's not certain.

Okay, it's not, but trust me, it's going to be fine. Now stop talking to yourself and jump!

I take a deep breath, bend my knees, and jump. I land on the floor of the train car, scraping my knees.

Shouldn't have worn thin leggings, I think as I wince in pain.

Some transfers standing near me back away, holding their noses.

"Ew, who loaded in the trash bag?" An Erudite girl squeals, as her two friends laugh.

I forgot. My factionless smell.

Ah, well.

I narrow my eyes.

"You don't need to put yourself down by talking about yourself like that." I keep a positive tone, when really I want to gouge her eyeballs out.

"Why don't you keep your big Candor mouth shut!" One of the girl's friends, a fellow Erudite, snarls.

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