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6 years ago~

"Yes mom, I'm on my way home...do you want anything from the convenient store?"
I asked my mom in the phone.

"Can you buy me some spicy ramen, I feel like eating it with you tonight"

I chuckled "Alright mom, see you later at home"

I quickly make my way to the convenient store.

Hi,my name is Park Haebin. I'm 18 years old and I currently in my senior year of highschool. Its nice to meet you readers :)

I left the store after finished buying my things. I breathed in deeply to get some fresh air.

"Aaahhh....the weather is sooo nice tonight".I said before crossing the road.

Suddenly I heard a car speeding.When I looked at it, I was very shock because the car was speeding towards my direction.

Before I could even dodged, the car have already knocked me off the road.I fell to the hard ground. I could feel my body was pooling with my own blood. It was very painful.

The last thing I saw was the car still speeding and carelessly knocked over a boy. He was running towards me to help.'Noooooo!!!' I screamed in my head.

'The boy.....is he okay?'it was the last thing I thought.Then everything went black.

6 years later, present~

"Yes mom, I still at the office. Do you want me to dropped by your house"I asked my mom through the phone.

"Hye, its not my house, its ours and yes you should come, I really miss my daughter.

"Yes sure mom, I miss you tooooo"I whine like little kid.

"BTW,how are you doing? It must be tough working as detective....aigoo my pretty daughter"

"I'm okay mom, don't worry....I will surely dropped by our house at night.Bye I love you.

"I love you too. Please be careful love, I almost lose you six years ago.Bye"

Then I end the call.

The accident six years ago still replaying in my head.I was very lucky to survive and discharged from the hospital after 3 month.

But the image of the boy still remain fresh.I keep feeling worried about him.

'Where is him?'

'How was his codition?'

'Is he doing great now?'

'Is he even alive after the accident?'

'Is he dead?'

I just want to know,how are you doing?

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