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Hoseok POV

Lately, everything seems to be very beautiful. Sora and I have went to many dates and get to know each other.

It makes me feel alive. It makes me feel love. Although, people might see me as a happy-go-lucky person. Actually, Im lonely inside.

When Sora came to my life, she stole my heart and all the loneliness gone. I really want to make her mine, one day. I wont give up, not this time.

Then, I look at Haebin. She was smiling like an idiot looking at her phone.

"Aishh, that idiot. By the way, about the number she gave me the other day, who is that?" Im confused.

Yeonjun is in coma, so the number belongs to......

"Detective Jung can you help me?" Some worker suddenly asked.

"Yes, sure" I shrug the thought and take a last glance at Haebin.

Haebin POV

I was texting Yeonjun because I dont have much work to do at all.

Me : What are doing?

Yeonjun-nie💖 : Nothing, thinking about my princess. Why?

I chuckled at his cheezy answer

Me : Lets whatch some movie tonight. I will       
         buy your favourite snack.

Yeonjun-nie💖 : 👌👌👌.

Me : I love you

Yeonjun-nie : I love you too

Yeonjun POV

I smile. I cant stop smiling.

Then, I accidently dropped my phone.

"Aish, Choi Yeonjun. Why are you so clumsy?"

When I'm about to pick up my phone, my hand glitch and dissapeared, almost half of it.

Then, all of my body glitch. I feel weird.

"What happened to me. Am I going to die?"
I questioned with tears in my eyes.

"I have to go to my body!"

I rushed to the hospital to see my own condition.

Haebin, she cant see me like this. She will be sad and terrified. I have to hide myself from her.

Haebin POV

"Yeonjun, Im home. I bought you some snack."



Silent. My heart started to race. What happened, did he dissapeared?. Did he die?
But if he die, the hospital should have informed it to me earlier?

"No no no Haebin, what are you talking about? He cant die. Yeonjun, where are you?"

So many thought on my head. I have to find him.

I search everywhere in the house but I cant find him. So, I decided to search for him around the area near my house.

At the convenient store.

At the restaurant.

At the park.

Now, Im a crying mess." Where are you, Choi Yeonjun?"

I cant take it anymore. My legs keep on trembling. I fall to the hard ground. I kept on crying and bawling as if it can bring Yeonjun back to me.

I lean into the nearest bench. Then, I decided to call him.

With shaking hand I dialed his number, with hopes......

To my surprise he picked up my call.

"Y-yeonjun?" I asked sobbing.


"I know you can hear me, please tell me where are you. Dont leave me, please............
comeback to me"

Silent. I cant contained my tears from falling

"Please answer,I still want you"

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