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Hoseok POV

I was really mad because I cant have lunch with Detective Park. When I was doing my work on the computer, suddenly I got a phone call from the police station.

"Hello, this is Detective Jung Hoseok speaking"

"Good afternoon Detective Park. We finally managed to catch the criminal you have been looking for. His name is Hwang Jaewoo,right?"

My eyes widen.


"Actually, I became a detective because there is someone I want to catch" Detective Park said.

"Who?" I ask.

"Hwang Jaewoo,He is a drug dealer. Six years ago, he was on drug and accidently cause a hit and run accident. The victim is me....and the other male student. The police cant detected his whereabout, so the case still dont do any justice." She said.

I just nodded.

End of flashback

"Yes, thank you. I'll come to the police station".I replied.

Then ended the call.

When I was driving, I suddenly remember Detective Park was out, having a lunch with that boy. I dont hesitate to call her.

"Yes this is Detective Park"

Goshh....even her voice make me crazy.

"We finally managed to catch the drug dealer you have been looking for" I said.

Then, there is a long silence.

"Yes, I will come right away. Thank you" she said.

I can sense that she is shaking.

Haebin POV

"I'm sorry Yeonjun, but I have to go to the police station" I said hurriedly take my handbag. I wave my hand at him.

He nodded and smile at me.

Time skip / the police station~

My heartbeat fast, my hand tremble, my leg wobble. Finally.......

I enter the investigation room. Then I see him looking like his innocent as ever. It makes me angry.

I slam the table."long time no see Mr.Hwang Jaewoo."

He smirk.

"Wow, I cant remember meeting such a beautiful detective"

"Maybe you dont know me, but I know you. Do you remember the hit and run accident you have cause six years ago?"

He raise his eyebrow.

"I'm one of your victim. Luckily, I survived the accident but what about the other boy?"
I'm so angry right now.

"Wow, it was very fascinating seeing you living a happy and good life now but I dont think the boy survive. I think I hitted him a little bit too hard." He said laughing.

"Do you think its funny?" I ask angry.

He shrugged.

I glare at him with tears in my eyes.

Suddenly the door burst open revealing Detective Jung, worried.

"Its okay Detective Park, I will take over. You shuld go home and rest" he said then smile at me.

On my way home, I cant stop thinking about the boy. 'So he really die'

Timeskip / home~

I enter the house weakly.

"Haebin-ie, do you want to watch a movie with me" yeonjun come to me.

I look at him with teary eyes

"Hye, are you okay?"

I suddenly hug him. I feel so sad and desperate.

He pat my back and keep on whisper something like 'its okay' to me.

I feel calm. Why is he always make me feel this way.

Who are you, Choi Yeonjun?

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