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Wow is it lunch time already? Why so fast?

I looked at everyone. Some of them were in a group, some of them eating with their partner. Hoseok was having a home-made food cooked by Sora.

Suddenly, I feel empty inside. Why am I like this?

"Aigoo, its okay Park Haebin. Let go treat yourself with some coffee!" I cheer to myself.


When I was ordering my coffee at the counter, I feel like someone was staring at me.

so suspicious.

"Whatever. Thank you for the coffee!" I said to the bartender.

"Lets go back to the office so I can get my work done" I rushed to the office. I want to go home early and crashed at my mom's place tonight.

Suddenly, someone bumped into me. And the coffee......

"Aaaaaa, my clothes!!!" I whined without even looking at the person.

"I'm really sorry, I will pay it back for your coffee and clothes" he said.

I paused. That voice........I- I cant

I looked up to see him. Then, as if the time has stop. It feels like there is only the two us in this big world.

There he is, the boy I loved......Did I still love him? Am I still waiting for him?

I stare at his face, his eyes, his nose , his cheek and lastly his lips that can make me go crazy.

He is not a boy anymore,he is a grown up man.

No, it cant be him.......he's dead.....but was he really dead? Or is it just my assumption?

Without realising it, I stared at him for almost three minutes now.

He waved his hand infront of my face.
"Hello, excuse me. Can you hear me?"

I snapped out of my thought.
"Y-yeah, sorry. What were you saying just now"

"I will make it up for you. If you dont mind, can you come to our cafe tomorrow so I can treat you for a coffee. I work as a bartender there" he said with a smile.

Yeonjun also want to be a bartender.

"Yes sure" I said. I miss those smile.

Is it really him? No, Haebin....you have already move on from him.

"By the way, I'm Detective Park Ha-

"I know" he said cutting me off.

"Oh okay. I'm quite famous then" I said trying to calm myself down.

"My name is-

Before he could even finished, my phone ringing.


"I'm sorry but I have a lot of work to do.....umm see ya!"

I said before running away from him. Oh my gosh my heart was about to explode.

The man POV

Geez, she's cute. I cant stop smiling. Did she just stared at me awhile ago?...... Damn!

No one POV

Haebin cant stop spacing out after the incident.

Who is him?

"Dont you want to go home, Detective Park?" One of them asked.

"Oo yeah, I was about to go home just now. Have a safe drive" She said to her.

"Lets go, I cant wait to see mom" she said to herself.


Haebin POV

"Mom, I miss you!!!" I said hugging her.

"I miss you too dear. Actually I have something to ask you" she said make my heart pounding.

"What is it mom?"

"About your boyfriend. Where is he? I didn't see him at all since the incident three years ago"

I paused. My hands started to tremble. What should I said?

"Mom, I'm so tired right now. Can we continue tomorrow"

She stared at me. "Aigoo, suit yourself. Go and rest okay" mom finally said.

I sigh in relieves.

That night I take a nice warm bath to take my mind of him.

Should I call Hoseok? I should ask him for the truth right?

After finished washing up. I wear my pajama and plop myself on the bed.

I decided to call Hoseok.


"Well hello. Do you need anything Haebin?"

"Actually I want to ask you about the surgery three years ago. Can you....tell me?"


Then, he chuckle

"Well, I guess you met him already. He work as a bartender at the cafe you always go during lunch"

My heart start to race.

"W-what do you mean?"

"He is still alive"

Then I ended the call. I'm too shock to even process anything.

It's really him, the man I bumped into this afternoon.....

But why?

Dont you remember me, Choi Yeonjun?

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