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Haebin POV

Life has been pretty tough. There were so many murder case lately. Why did people always wanted to kill other people to satisfied their own need.

But Yeonjun always stay by my side, holding me tight. I was very grateful to have him in my life.

I haven't tell my mom about me rejecting Hoseok yet. He is very nice to me all this time and even take care of Yeonjun. It makes me feel guilty.

By the way, I was very excited today because my highschool bestfriend decided to come and visit me at work.

"Haebin!!!!!!" Someone screamed.

I looked up and see her. Kang Sora, my best partner in crime.

"Sora!!!!!" I exclaimed before hugging her.

"I miss you sooo much" we said in unison.

We laugh with tears in our eyes

"Good morning Haebin!!. Who is this?" Hoseok suddenly come from behind Sora.

Sora turned around quickly because she was shocked from a voice behind her. Unlucky, her heels make her trip . And to my surprise she is not falling flat to the floor..


Hoseok POV

When I was working, I heard someone screaming so I decided to checked on it.

Then, I saw Haebin hugging someone. Her back is facing me.

"Who is that. Maybe, I should greet her.... right? Yeah, you got this Hoseok" I said to myself and punch my chest to hype my spirit.

"Good morning Haebin!! Who is this?" I asked.

She turned around startled from my loud voice. She trip on the process as she was wearing a heels.

Without knowing I caught her on time, embracing her petite body close to me.
I can feel her warmth. I can feel her heartbeat syncing with me.

I drown into her beautiful brown eyes. That is when I know....I have fallen for her......I think I'm in love again.

"Got yaa" I said awkwardly.

Then someone fake cough.

"Nice drama you two. Now lets go to our date shall we, Sora?" Haebin said.

Then we pulled away. I scratch the back of my neck.

"Y-yeah, w- we should go" she said stuttering.

Before they can go, I extend my hand to her.

"I'm Jung Hoseok"I said.

"Kang Sora" she said taking my hand, smiling sweetly.

Gosh, stop attacking my heart beautiful creature.

Then, Haebin suddenly whisper to me "stop sweating you freak. Dont worry I will give it to you after this" she patted my shoulder.

"Huh, what?"I confused.

Haebin make a "phone call" sign with his hand before exiting the office with Sora.

"Wait, is that mean her phone number?"

"Yeah, obviously" the random worker that passed by said.

"Yesss!!!!!!!" I screamed.

I hope it is not an unrequited love again this time.

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