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Hoseok POV

"Good works, the two of you" the police said to us.

Then the car drove to the police station with all the suspect.

"Ahhhh finally, I'm so tired" I said.

"Hye, I want to go to the toilet for a while. Would you mind waiting for me?" Detective Park ask.

"Its okay, take your time. I will wait for you"I said smiling.

She smile back and quickly go the toilet.
'I dont mind waiting for you, even if it takes forever......when will you realise my feeling towards you Park Haebin'.I thought in my head.

Haebin POV

"Quick,quick,quick.....Hoseok is waiting!!"I said while exiting the toilet.

Suddenly, someone appear infront of me. My face bump into his chest before I even dodge.

"Auchhhh" I groan.

"Do you remember me?" The boy ask.

"Ooo...Its you! The boy from the crime scene. What are you doing here? You don't seem to attend this school, I can tell just by looking at your school uniform. Ooo did you skip class? You ungrateful kid!!" I spat everything out of curiousity.

He seem to taken aback by my sudden attack.He chuckle.

"I know about it" he stated.

"Huh, what?"

"I know who kill the girl"

Then he tell me everything.

"How did you know? So you witness the whole incident!" I said shock.

He nodded.

"Then lets go to the police station" I said grabbing his hand to bring him with us.

"No I cant, I just cant explain to you why" he said with serious tone.

I look at thim weirdly."Aishhh this kid, I know you are scare-"

"Detective Park, are you okay" Hoseok come running with his worried face.

Sh*t , I forgot he is waiting for me.

"I thought you fell or something, so I came to check. It's a good thing you were okay"He sigh in relieved.

"Yes, Im completely okay. Actually I was talking to-...ehhh where is he" I ask weirdly.

"What?" Hoseok ask.

"Mmm.....nothing, let's just go back to the police station for investigation"I suggest.

Hoseok nodded and put his hand on the small of my back.It make me blush since I have a little crush on him."Lets go" he said.

While on the car, I cant stop thinking about the boy. Is he a superhero, he always appeared and dissapeared out of nowhere.

Someone's POV

"Who is that guy, why is he always get on my way?"

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