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Haebin POV

I woke up early in the morning because I have to meet Detective Jung at the police station.

I take a warm shower and doing my make up lightly, like always.....beause mom said I'm pretty enough without those thick-ass make up ^_^

I wear this

After done dressing up, I quickly drive and make my way to the police station

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After done dressing up, I quickly drive and make my way to the police station. I don't want to be late and make Detective Jung wait for so long.

At the police station~

"This is the weapon the murderer used to kill the victim" the police said while showing us the weapon which is a folding knife.

"But, unlucky we can't find any proof that can lead us towards the murderer" Detective Jung sigh.

"It's mean the murderer is the other student from the same school. It is because we all know students was allowed to bring folding knife to school because of a certain project. Soo...you know what I mean Detective Jung?" I ask looking at him.

He smile."Lets go to XXX highschool to find the culprit!!!" He said lifting the mood up.

Time skip/ At XXX highschool~

"Hye kid, do you know Kim Yeji who just got killed yesterday?" You ask to a random student boldly.

"Hi student!!!Im Jung Hoseok, I sincerely what to ask you about Kim Yeji, can you cooperate with us" he said brightly.

I just facepalm him -_-

Suddenly there a group of boys and girls come to us eagerly.

"Noona you are so pretty, can I have your number?" One boy ask.

"Ehhh!!! What did you just said" I said

"Hye kid, If you want a pretty women like her, you have to study hard and be like me!" Detective Jung reply proudly.

"Oh.My.Gosh! So you two are dating each other, even at work!" One girl said excitedly.

Before Detective Jung could aswer, I cut him off "NO!!! Why would I be dating someone like him,hahahah mehhh......So back to the topic, do you know Kim Yeji?" I ask sternly.

I don't know why but Detective Jung look kinda sad, is it because what I've said earlier? No! why would he be right? Whatever...I just shrug it off.

"We know about Yeji, but the thing that shock us the most was she is THE BIGGEST BULLY IN OUR SCHOOL" the girl said.

"Yeah, so why would she die instead of she is the one who kill people, am I right?" One boy said.

"Yes thats the point, so the suspect must be her own gang and her bully victim. We all know Kim Yeji will bully this poor girl name Park Yuna, every single day. Maybe she can't take it anymore and decided to kill her" The other girl said.

"And maybe the one who kill her is her own bestfriend.....yes we got it!!  Right Detective Jung?" I ask him.

"Hmm... should we find the suspect and call the police to bring them for the investigation?"He ask.

I nodded."Thank you guys, you really help us a lot. Study well!" I thanked them.

Someone's POV~

"Should I approach her?"

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