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Haebin POV

I woke up early in the morning considering my mom condition.

"Yeonjun I have to go, if you need anything just call me okay" I said to him with a heavy heart.

He smile at me "of course princess"

When I'm about to go out, Yeonjunn suddenly spin me and kiss me on the lips.
It was a very gentle kiss yet emotional.

My instinct tell me something.

My tears dropped. What is this feeling?

Yeonjun stop kissing me.

"Why are crying, did I do something wrong?" He worried.

I hug him tightly, I dont want to let him go.

"No, just let me hold you......stay.....please"
I sound desperate.

He nodded.

Why am I like this?

Timeskip /at the office

"Thank you for letting me rest last night"

"Its not a big deal" one of the worker said.

I smile.

"Mom, just wait. I'll come for you"

~1 hour later~

"Detective Park, we found his hideout. It was  XXX building" Hoseok said.

"Lets go, hurry up. Dont forget to take your gun everyone!"

Then, we all rush to catch the bastard.

At XXX building

"Detective Jung please take the lead and I will assist you" I said.

He nodded.

When we enter the building, the first thing I saw was .......

"Mom!!!" Mom my was tied to a chair.

We quickly untied her .

"Are you okay, did he do something to you?" I hug her. I was so worried at the same time relieves because she was surprisingly unharmed.

The other police and detectives surround the place to protect us.

"No......but he's going to kill the boy" mom said.

I paused.

"What do you mean? The boy?" Hoseok ask.

I grab Hoseok hand." No way....Yeonju-

"Hahahahahhahaha, all of you were just a bunch of idiot!" Someone said.

We turned around. There he is, Hwang Jaewoo.

"What do you want?" I ask angry.

"Did you think I kidnapped your mom, to kill her? I just want to stall some time." He said laughing.

Me and Hoseok had a confused face.

"Do you think I dont know about the boy you always visit at the hospital....... He was very precious to you right?" He mocked me.

I stare at him.

"I was sentence to jail for life because of you two, but you're still alive!!!!! Why not finished what I have begin long time ago so I can be at peace!!!" He screamed like a psychopath.

I was hugging my mom while Hoseok stood infront of us for protection.

"Take me then. Stay away from the boy, he lost six years of his life because of you, let him be....." I said boldly.

Hoseok and other police looked at me in disbelief.

"Too bad girl.......you're late"

"What do yo-

Suddenly my phone ringing. I looked at him.

"Take it" he said with a smirk.

"Hello this is Detective Park Haebin speaking" I aswer, shaking

"Are you Choi Yeonjun's guardian."

"Yes, I am"

"I'm sorry to inform you but he is in critical condition and almost dying because his breathing device stop for almost an hour just now. So we need you to be here to allow the operation"

My heart stop

So, I was right about this morning.....could that be our last moment together

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