Higher ground;; 10

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It had been a few days, And Lukas had returned home. The thought of not being close to Lukas made Mathias sad, and he wasn't afraid to show everyone he missed his Norwegian boyfriend. Lukas, on the other hand, didn't show any of his emotions, even though he didn't show them he still missed Mathias.

Lukas was on his way home with his men, his huge Viking ships sailed through the dark oceans, the wind slowly pressing them forward to their home. They had only lost two men, including Frode Bondevik. A few were hurt, luckily it wasn't bad. A few days went by, and it was late at night when they arrived home. He could hear the sound of a horn from a distance, it brought a smile on his face knowing he would see his little brother Emil again. he walked to the front of his ship and looked at the village that lay close to the edge of the sea. slowly lights turned on and people walked out of their houses, mostly woman, children and elders.

Lukas' ship was the first one to enter the harbour. Later the other ships followed, returning all men safely. Lukas left his ship and made sure everything went ok until he heard a well-known scream behind him. "Storebror!!" Lukas turned around imminently and saw his little brother running towards him. He kneeled down and opened his arms waiting for Emil to hug him. Emil was happy to see his elder brother again after half a month, so he immediately hugged Lukas. The Norwegian man lifted the Five-year-old and held him close. He felt a gentle pat on his shoulder, he looked up still holding Emil close and saw his mother smile at him. "Welcome home Lukas," She said stroking his hair. "Thank you, mother," Lukas said smiling softly at his mother. "Storebror? Where is Pappa?" His mother nodded "Yes I'd imagine him to be here at least, I know he doesn't care much about us but at least come say 'hi' after half a month." Lukas looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry, He died in a fight against the Oxenstierna tribe.." His mother looked at him in complete shock, Emil, on the other hand, was only five so he didn't know what was going on. "I see now, I'm sure he died a noble death," she mumbled

Lukas woke up next to his little brother, The little boy was curled up against him. 'Oh yea, I forgot he was here..' Lukas thought, He thought back about the night before. Lukas and his mother had just explained what the meaning of death was to the little boy, he needed to know that his father wasn't coming back. Emil got sad by the thought of Lukas and his mom dying so he came into Lukas' room crying. Lukas calmed him down and that's how both of them fell asleep. he stroked Emil's sliver hair, happy he saw him again. Yet he still missed Mathias, He loved having the Danes strong arms around him. Even though he would never admit it though.

The news about Frode Bondevik's death spread like the fallen leaves on a stormy day. A lot of people showed their condolences to the family, and since Lukas was the firstborn child of the dead Bondevik leader, he was about to become the next tribe leader.

It was midnight, and the whole tribe was together. they were all standing at the edge of the ocean, two rowing boats with two people in them. both got a little nudge and they started sailing onto the giant ocean. both boats were set on fire before leaving the coast. The whole tribe stayed silent until the boats weren't there anymore.

Like I said I'll do two chapters today because of my exams next week, I know this one is less interesting than the last chapter but still satisfying I hope

I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways, see y'all in two weeks bye!

⚠️I do not own any of the cover art neither do I own the characters⚠️


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